oral sex in american junior/high/schools?


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
those of you who still attend them... is this really true that girls normally please their classmates with their services (starting at the age of 12!)and then it's "not a big deal", "everybody is doing is", "he's not my boyfriend, he's just a very good friend of mine", "oral sex is not sex, that's just something that you do...." ?

that they are braindead, I noticed that as well. I mean, a 14-year-old-girl looking like a 10-year-old with big tits, smiles like a retard and says that she won't stop doing it.... and it's not sex. :err: disgusting. if she was mine, I'd kick her out on the street. :)
I'm not talking about guys anyway. they have their place, women have their place. it's not the same thing "to fuck" and "to get fucked". to each his/her own, but with some sense of dignity, for the low positioned.
are you bitter today, Junkie! (and I am conservative, yes... :eek: )
I know but what I see and hear of that kind of enviroment goes along the lines of :
(guy)- "Hi! I'm captain of the football team!
(girl) - Wow! Thats soooo cool!
(guy) - want to suck me off?
(girl) - OK!

Thats a bit more cynical than it actualy is but Its not entierly the girls fault. they think they're being cool instead of a whore.

I need sleep a strong drink and a reason to get up tomorrow.
then it turns out that almost 75 % of girls that age are retarded. something wrong in that picture.

why don't you go and take a walk? a long one...
haha, Elisabeth, exactly that, but the boys were saying that. and take this: they think it's more safe than 'normal' sex. yeah, right. terrible.