Orange Thunderverb vs Rockerverb

Clark Kent

Jan 23, 2011
Hey, guys! Here's how my other bands rehearsal space looks like at the moment:

So long story short, here's a comparison between the white Orange Thunderverb 50 vs the orange Orange Rockerverb 100 MKII.

In following order: channel A and B dirty, channel A and B clean

In following order: dirty channel, clean channel

So sure there's a clear difference there but using a different cab would change the tone way more drastically. We did another comparison with bigger results and it was basically comparing all of the cabinets in that room... but that's a different story.

Tell me what you think! Thanks in advance!! :rock:
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Might be personal preference if people like it soloed or in a mix but this was a super quick comparison... anyways the difference was so minimal that I don't expect there to be any difference in a mix either.
the rockerverb sounds more aggressive while the thunderverb is more girthy

wish i could afford a rocker verb
Might be personal preference if people like it soloed or in a mix but this was a super quick comparison... anyways the difference was so minimal that I don't expect there to be any difference in a mix either.

It may be personal preference, but the educated and experienced preference is comparisons in a mix, where it matters. A fucking shitty distortion pedal can sound awesome solo and terrible in a mix.
It may be personal preference, but the educated and experienced preference is comparisons in a mix, where it matters. A fucking shitty distortion pedal can sound awesome solo and terrible in a mix.

Sure I know that. I don't do any post processing on soloed guitars.
haha guitar pro all the way. I like em both!

Haha.. I'm glad you caught that! :D

I like them both too. The Rockerverb clean is quite loud. It's on volume 1/10 in this clip and it was louder than the Thunderverb cleans with volume on 10/10 without the attenuator. That's because the Thunder A/B channel gain has to be around 3/10 for the tone to be clean and it works as volume also. I have the volumes of the Rockerverb balanced with dirty channel on 6/10 and clean 3/10 so it's not too loud.

Yeah... I think I like the white Orange because it's PIMP and the orange Orange because it simply sound better than any other amp in that room. :D