Organic Hallucinosis mix


Jul 9, 2009
I started this thread because this album has my favorite production job ever.
Does anyone have any details about it ? I only know that it was recorded at Hertz back in the day and Vogg used a DR for the guitars.
This album is just perfect, has an analog depth to it that current recordings lack. Guitars very saturated and upfront. I think that they could get away with such loudness because the bass frequencies are a tad cut altogheter and the guitars are the foreground. Bass just adds that industrial, metallic clickiness to the sound. What do you think ?
Found one of the tracks on soundcloud, without the horrible YT compression:
Sounds just perfect.
Some people here hate that mix for the lack of bass. I think it fits the vibe of the music really well. It also helps that the writting on this album is on point. My favorite Decapitated record by far.
It has an atmosphere of being in a basement to me. I think it's one of their best sounding and best written releases to date.
Well, it's just a "pre-2010 era" Hertz Studio sound ;)...
I prefer much more the actual "style" of Wiesławski bros.