

Apr 5, 2003
Wilkes-Barre, PA
What songs do they usually play live? My band is playing with them and I'm really looking forward to seeing them but I would like to familarize myself with some of their material before I do. I know they have a new album coming out and that will affect the setlist but does anyone have an idea of what their setlist usually looks like? Thanks.

And if anyone is near northeastern PA and wants to come out just let me know and I will post all of the info.
Motherfucker! You're playing with Origin?!


Uhhh...their new one's coming out, so maybe some previews. Actually, a lot of their stuff sounds the same, so I can't help you. Maybe their more well known tracks like "Disease Called Man" or "Larvae of the Lie."

Good luck upstaging that shit, dawg!
I would assume maybe the first four songs from the first album...but yeah, they all sound the same. Still, I look forward to the new album. There are two sample songs up at the relapse website. It's likely they'll play those songs.
Haha, actually, I did notice that a lot of the songs sound very similar. I was just wondering though.

Yeah, I don't think upstaging Origin will be at all possible, but at least we can say we played with them, haha. Thanks all.
More Origin news...The new album is great. The new drummer isn't as good, but holds his own nonetheless. I think the end of Amoeba has to be their fastest recording yet. They're doing a mini tour covering mostly big cities. Rumor has it that they play Death's Flattening of Emotions. That must be ridiculous. I'll post the dates if anybody cares.
MasterOLightning said:
More Origin news...The new album is great. The new drummer isn't as good, but holds his own nonetheless. I think the end of Amoeba has to be their fastest recording yet. They're doing a mini tour covering mostly big cities. Rumor has it that they play Death's Flattening of Emotions. That must be ridiculous. I'll post the dates if anybody cares.

I know they're playing here on April 22nd with Cephalic Carnage.

You can pretty much count me in for that one.:headbang:
For the record, I post in the voice of what I'm thinking in that particular moment. I had just finished a phone conversation with my friend. Guess I still had some "ghetto" in my mind.

You'll see that a lot.

And Origin fucking rule.