Original Death Metal - first mix

2nd mix is much better....it's a little clean to be old school but it sounds good. The snare is a bit quiet though.
inertia: Thank you very much for taking the time listening and commenting!
And I agree that the snare disappears a bit, will have to see what I can do about that (add some higher frequencies to the snare, or carve out some 200 Hz from the guitars?) Tips would be appreciated, I am not very good at this…!
You can try boosting the snare a bit with the eq and carve out the same frequency in your other instruments to see if you can make space for it. I rarely have to eq my snare though and often it's a case of just turning it up in volume unless it's gonna go into the red, of course. You can also experiment with some multiband EQ on the mix. Set up 3 different frequencies and set the ratio for each band at around 1.2, 1.3, 1.2 and apply boosts or cuts to taste.
I feel that the vocals are slightly too loud in the mix, I like the guitar on the second version. I would also add a little more low end boost on the kick to give it a slightly punchier feel.
@inertia: thanks man, will fiddle around a bit and try.

@prabblerabble: Thanks for commenting! Yeah, vocals could probably be pushed back a bit, to better merge with the mix. Will try to augment the low end of the kick (around 60Hz?) - I find it really difficult to keep it under control when it gets into the fast tremolo/double-kick parts.

Very grateful for your advice. I want to get this thing rocking!
Don't be afraid to use volume automation when necessary. There's no rules saying you can't raise and lower volumes at certain segments of a song. Often I group sections of instruments or sometimes even drum groups. That way you can automate several things at the same time.