ORIGINAL GRAVITY: In-depth craft + draft beer reviews by yours truly


Houses Ov Mercury
Jan 20, 2004
Dracut, MA
Hey all. Those who either follow me on Facebook or on this forum (you dirty stalkers know who you are, don't kid yourselves) know via my posts that I have recently become a freelance blogger for a local newspaper. I don't get paid but I do get an audience, which is the most important thing to me; I wrote these reviews anyway (very frequently, I may add, to which those who follow me on FB, such as Koger/unknown and Schmidt/yoda, will attest) so doing them in an official context is probably a better way to go with them anyway, especially since I've been given that very opportunity.

You can now follow my beer blog "Original Gravity" at this link:
http://sunbeer.wordpress.com/ or http://www.lowellsun.com/beer (if you want to give the newspaper some hits)

I review fairly frequently and a lot of people here, especially beer nerds, should be at least mildly intrigued and/or informed by this blog. Thanks for checking it out and PROSIT!
Looks awesome, though perhaps you could either begin or append each post with a few notes of technical information with the name/brewery, ABV, style, etc. I suppose this might be superfluous because you generally cover that in the reviews themselves.
Will do. Good advice. Typically I just lead off with "Brewery Name + Beer Name (and style if not in proper title of beer already) and eventually introduce the ABV in the review somewhere.
Haha, I knew you would. It's definitely a beer-nerd thing and I'm expecting not many non-nerds to get it but I felt it fit how I write and it's just niche-y enough for me.
I definitely thought the name was clever. You're not going to review just artsy fag beer, are you?

EDIT: Review Snake Dog IPA and spread the word about how terrible it is, please. PLEASE.
Haha Snake Dog IPA is pretty awful. In fact, it doesn't really taste like an IPA at all from what I recall. I did have a good Flying Dog beer the other day, though (Raging Bitch, their Belgian IPA).

Jeremy: it's coming. I'm working all day but working on the logo and stuff later.
Haha Snake Dog IPA is pretty awful. In fact, it doesn't really taste like an IPA at all from what I recall. I did have a good Flying Dog beer the other day, though (Raging Bitch, their Belgian IPA).
Flying Dog is usually a quality brand, but Snake Dog IPA tastes like liquid weed mixed with dog piss or something. Ugh.

Can I make a sister blog titled "High Gravity" where I only review high gravity malt liquors and other 40s?
That already exists, bruh. But, all I drink is Malt Liquor so I'd still be a fan. I just finished a King Cobra and now drinking a Mickey's grenade, actually.
Looks awesome, though perhaps you could either begin or append each post with a few notes of technical information with the name/brewery, ABV, style, etc. I suppose this might be superfluous because you generally cover that in the reviews themselves.

That's not superfluous, there are plenty of people (myself included) who want quick basic facts on a product before reading a detailed review of it. Including that in a concise table or whatever will likely result in more people willing to read the reviews.
Believe me, I know of this site. Have you ever seen Bruz40's videos on youtube?

Can't believe his videos are down. He was the best beer reviewer on youtube.

I never saw them, but man I would like to see them. Why are they down?

And if you ever decide to start reviewing malt liquor, please let me know. I would be happy to either contribute or just promote the fuck out of that.
Thanks Grant :) I like that the top of the G sorta looks like a tap ready to pour a beer, haha. I was immediately struck by the image and decided to keep it.