original or deluxe


freelance jackass
Feb 12, 2005
since there wern't enough polls compairing stuff i made one.
which kraft mac and cheese do you prefer ?
old school or new school ?
ORIGINAL where you mix the powder,milk and butter or, DELUXE where you get the cheese sauce package that you just mix in ? :loco:
Arg_Hamster said:
This is some american food-talk that I don´t understand.

It's the 5th food group. Without Kraft Dinner, and occasionally "Mr. Noodle", every male between 18 and 30 would starve to death.
eighteeschick said:
I have to say Deluxe but with so many "original" votes, I may just have to buy a box and try it out.
I'm with eighteeschick, luv the Deluxe!! However, the original is not bad.
spitzs lazy eye said:
That looks tasty. I cant cook for shit. For some reason i always end up burning the water.

I have a bad habit of turning on the stove and then walking away. I've burned macaroni (for the mac and cheese no less) so badly that its left little black imprints on the bottom of the pot. Needless to say that when I moved out of my parent's house, I inherited the pot.
eighteeschick said:
I have a bad habit of turning on the stove and then walking away. I've burned macaroni (for the mac and cheese no less) so badly that its left little black imprints on the bottom of the pot. Needless to say that when I moved out of my parent's house, I inherited the pot.
Once my old man left beans to cook in a pressure cooker on full blast. The smoke alarm woke me up and soon as i opened my door it was like fucking hell. I had to yell at the idiot to wake him up.