Original song! mix tips?

sounds much better dude!
one other thing i would do is add a bit more grit to the bass
TSE makes a really good bass overdrive pedal if you dont have a real analog bass OD (and its free) just go here to download it. that plus a limiter with a a pretty high threshold and output ceiling with thicken up your bass tone a ton and really drive the mix for something like this. i recommend the W1 limiter if you dont have the L1 or L2 Waves limiters..its also free and pretty much a carbon copy of Waves L1..just set a pretty high threshold (-15 or so) and a pretty high out put ceiling with the release at about 10 ms (some put it at 1..just preference) and it will do wonders to your bass tone. heres the links to both plugins..

Bass Overdrive

W1 limiter

Stoked to hear how it sounds after all of this!
Man I hope this stuff is usable, by the looks of it, it's pretty niffty! Just before I exported the mix I was googling "how to get gritty bass tone." haha.
I would use a sansamp bass driver seeing that I love it's sound but I can't afford one... I'm seriously using the bare minimum for my productions. Pod farm for guitars and bass and 100% triggered drums! I can't afford anything else sadly.
I will look into it all tomorrow because I'm heading to bed now but I will offer and updated mix then. Thanks so much for the input man, keep helping me out with this mix!

Cheers! :)