Orphaned Land DVD - The Road to Shalem.....


Feb 11, 2002
Rhode Island / USA
Wasn't sure if anyone had posted on this yet -- so I posted this on the PM Forum and put it here just in case......

Audio - Dolby 5.1 Surround is fantastic for this setting, you are inside of the maddened crowd with this setting. Vocals a bit back in the mix tho, and when I went back to Stereo 2.0, vocals did not come out any further.
Instruments are superbly separated -- 2 guitarists can be heard with their solos coming out of the respective speaker depending on where they stand. Overall -- I'd give the audio an 8 / 10.

Video - Its not blu ray, but it is superb. I'd give the overall video quality a 9 / 10 just because its not blu ray quality, but standard def is fantastic.

Performance / setlist ......outstanding. The show itself is amazing, with a nice LED stage backdrop with videos and giant screen, the band is in top form, although as stated, with this quality, the vocals should be WAY out front instead of a little back in the mix. The female singer is not only beautiful beyond beautiful, but her chanting and singing are mesmerizing as well.....the setlist is from their MOST melodic material, with their acoustic insert reminds me of the days of Freddie Mercury and Brian May doing their acoustic set in a Queen concert. Amazing.

The bad --
As Todd stated, the camera editing is awful. They must have 15 different cameras stationed around this show, if not more, and they are constantly shifting around the players as the song moves along.... they need a couple of stationary cameras to stay put once in awhile, it drives me nuts when bands do this..... in addition, they have 3 nasty cameras attached to (of all things):

1) The stage mic pole. On the end of the mic pole, is a nasty little camera
that gets spin around sometimes when Kobi gets really excited....it will spin your head and make you dizzy. Get your Bonine out for this one.

2) At the tip of the bass guitar. Why on earth would I want to see 3 fingers of the bass player doing his thing ? This nasty little camera is positioned right at the tip of the bass guitar looking down at the strings and his 3 fingers. This one doesn't bother the vertigo, but it is annoying.

3) The double bass pedals. I know there is double bass in the music. The drummer is excellent, but I don't need to see the pedals every time he hits them. This little camera looks like its positioned either inside the kick drum, or just beside the pedals on the ground looking up at the pedals.... not annoying, just unnecessary.......

And there are other bothersome edits that really just distract rather than enhance...... the crowd shots are excellent though, and the crowd noise and involvement are top notch as well .... they love their O=Land no doubt about it. Steve Wilson (Porcupine Tree) coming out to sing did nothing for me, or the crowd, and it showed when Kobi tried to get some applause for him, crowd did nothing. He isn't a great a singer, and has no emotion on stage, but kudos to the band for bringing him out anyway.

I was blasting this thing big time -- and I was really getting into it, when the wife came down and sat down beside me just when Kobi started to growl. Then he sang normally and she said, " he has a very diverse voice, doesn't he ?" ..... and then the female came out and sang, and the wife was mesmerized as well. Once she asked " who is this " I knew she was hooked, thats how good this show is .......

Overall, I would give this a 9/10 and if not for the crazy cameras / editing, this would get a 10. In the end -- if you are an Orphaned Land fan, this show is essential hands down.
From the latest Burning Shed newsletter:

In addition to the vinyl versions of Orphaned Land's epic The Never Ending Way Of The OrWarriOR, we now have the standard edition of the double dvd/cd edition of The Road To OR-Shalem.

The set comprises:
2 dvds, 1 cd.
Stereo & 5.1 Mixes.
Video clips, Documentary and slide show photos.
Steven Wilson appears on both the concert and documentary dvds.


See https://www.burningshed.com/store/metal/product/196/3785/