OT: Dear Fulham, stop taking our best players


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs
First Brian McBride and Carlos Bocanegra, now Clint Dempsey is leaving the MLS to play for Fulham.

I wish that our talented players (like Damarcus Beasly) would stay here and enrich our league. I know that they feel that their talents are better challenged across the pond, but how is our league going to gain credibility when our best players flee.

Ugh. It's hard being a soccer fan in the US.
Brian McBrides a crackin player, ballsy fucker. I understand where you're coming from but you guys are producing better players these days (compared to 10 years ago), it won't be long 'til you've got plenty talent in your leagues and therefore players won't feel the need to leave for "better clubs"..... or alternatively support fulham (although i'd strongly advise against it!!)