OT: Does anyone else hate computers but you need them for work/social stuff/music etc


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
I use em for work so I'm on em quite a bit. My hands/wrists/arms fatigue easily so sometimes I can't practice the git as much as I want. Then at night when I want to lay down tracks I'm sick of computers and I don't want to get on one to program some quick drums and shit.

Maybe I should invest into an ergonomic keyboard/mouse setup. I always thought they were retarded looking. :lol: Probably better then getting carpel or something.
naa man, i love puters, i just hate how they can have hissy fits once in a while for no obvious reason, my comp is my music player, my studio, my tv, everything and its still workin like clockwork (touch wood)

I've been using Vista and a nice Dell for the past year or so and I've never had issues with it. Runs like a champ.
i still aint on vista, ive used it and hate it, too much unnecessary stuff on there, im just waiting till they iron out the issues with it, then i may upgrade, but at the mo XP SP3 ftw!

i only get ergonomic issues when im gaming, which is not that often anyway, as my mouse is too small and i get loadsa cramp, but other than that, puters rule!
I hate gaming on computers cuz of the comfort factor, but otherwise my computer really is my life-line - I organize my whole life with it, the amount of totally mundane documents I have is ridiculous (e.g. "books to read," "things to accomplish," "foods that make me fart," etc., and I'm not joking about the last one, I've gotta be careful with that :lol: )

this is one of my other forum avatars.
Haha, it's nice to see that Off-Topic posts now have "OT" in front of them and still don't go into the "Off-Topic" forum :)


does this side of the forum even have a mod to do the organizing?

I'm willing to do it if another mod wants to give me the power.

ps. I like computers, I hate that I feel I have to check my email, facebook, websites, rss feeds and forums from 6-15 hours a day.