OT: Does anyone else hate computers but you need them for work/social stuff/music etc

I still like computers, but the quasi ubiquitous reachability has somehow turned into a plaque.

Err........since I'm a dumb fuck who had no idea what you just said, I'm gonna just gonna say yeah.....:lol:

Hahahhaha, a German baffles an Englishman with his mastery of English - love it :heh: To translate, Stee, he's saying it's become a bad thing that computers are so immediately accessible anywhere, anytime; it makes people computer (specifically internet) fiends, and I fully confess to being one of 'em! That recent South Park episode where they head out "Californee Way" to find some more internet was so true :lol:

Oh, and Slash, I think the word you were looking for was "plague" - plaque is the stuff that build up on ones teeth ;)