OT Funny: Real METAL!

Come with me, the time is right
Theres no better team
Arm in arm we'll win the fight,
It's always been our dreeaam!

ERIMEAN, I know nothing about this bs!

Seriously tho. That was traumatizing. I'm emotionally scarred for life, thanks.
Yngvai X said:
hahahahahaha, thats cute...you guys are too harsh...I mean, c'mon the kids like 7 years old...if he were 37 it'd be different ;)
i second this. It was bad, but i can't imagine i would have done any different at that age.

I'd say the parents should take a step back though and look at this. I mean, do you see how much SHIT he has? Holy hell, there's no reason to have a pikachu guitar.