OT: Get yourself a Man's job.

Nitronium Blood

Dec 28, 2001
Marchin' up and down the scqaiya.
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My fellow metal-head and good friend works in a public library, mainly Customer service but sometimes in the 'Reference' section.

Someone recently asked him if he worked there. That very same individual then replied with "Shame, you should get a Man's job".

What the fuck?:yell:

I suppose I can try to understand the whole "Library enviroment is usually women-led" aspect of it. But what constitues a 'Man's job' per say? Being a brickie or carpenter or something?
Being a dickhead if the 'individual' is an example of someone with a man's job!!!

My mate is a librarian and he has had to physically throw people out, break a door down with an axe (and then scare the hell out of the customer by shouting "Here's Ben!!") and tactfully get members of the BNP barred from the library. He definately has a man's job!!
Sounds like the individual is trying to hide something............ was his next reply " So yeah how good are tits and sports huh??" *spits...scratches nutts* ....???

It just seems weird that would be his first reaction. Mine would have probably been "EVER HAD A BOOK FIGHT!?"
Your friend should've socked him in the neck, kicked him full force in the knee, choked him out, and then wrote on his face in permanent marker the phrase "I just got owned at the public library, ask me how."