OT: Gong to see Paul Di'Anno perform entire first IRON MAIDEN album and Killers 2nite

Oct 5, 2003
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Paul Di'Anno is playing live tonight. He is performing the entire first Iron Maiden album from beginning to end and most of the Killers album. FUCK YEAH!! :Shedevil::Shedevil:
I saw his show years ago, he was doing his solo stuff (some of it sounded kind of hardcore) and few IM songs here and there. So he's playing in his own tribute band these days?
Just got back not too long ago. Have mixed thoughts about the show. For one the show was promoted as him performing the entire Iron Maiden album from start to finish and then playing select songs from Killers.

He started off with Ides of March then went into Wrathchild and then Prowler. I was like 'okay I guess he is doing this in a different order, but what ever'. But then he played a few of his own original songs. The crowd was just standing there as he played his own songs, many people were talking about how it was bs that he was not following the set that was advertised. He then got pissed at the crowd for just standing there and said "If you were in England you'd get your asses kicked for standing there with your arms crossed" The crowd didn't take too kindly to that. But then he went back into some Maiden tunes. Then played another Original song, then played AC/DC Highway to Hell... wtf? All the Maiden songs he could do and he does Highway To Hell?

None the less he did play a ton of old Maiden songs and it was really cool to hear those songs with his voice. His lead guitarist was a total glam rock butt pirate that thought he was some diva. I tried my hardest to not pay attention to his hair whipping and showboating. The guy should have been playing for Winger or SKid Row. None the less It was a cool experience and I am glad I got to see it. I wouldn't ever go see him again he was not very good, a fat old drunken angry man. Maiden definitely made the best career move in history by getting rid of him. But I will always love those first 2 maiden albums and will remember this show. Very interesting.
Interesting. Shitty that he didn't play as advertised but oh well. The crowd when I saw him was pretty active so he never had any real reasons to carry on like a douche, but nonetheless he still had that snotty punk attitude of the old days. As he should. Highway to Hell though.... WTF?! Even us Aussies got spared that! Great song, but Di'Anno......?
Interesting. Shitty that he didn't play as advertised but oh well. The crowd when I saw him was pretty active so he never had any real reasons to carry on like a douche, but nonetheless he still had that snotty punk attitude of the old days. As he should. Highway to Hell though.... WTF?! Even us Aussies got spared that! Great song, but Di'Anno......?

Yeah I don't get it myself. I mean yeah great classic song ACDC cool but when you advertise the tour as playing your entire first album and select tunes from Killers thats what it should be. I didn't want to hear ACDC or his own solo songs. I can honestly care less about his solo material, and either did most of the audience. Luckily there was only about 4 non Maiden songs so that was find.

He is just really an old drunken prick. But thats what I expect. He definitely has an old punk attitude and it was really cool to see his attitude while singing those old Maiden tunes. He even yelled on some of them making them sound hardcore. There were actually a lot of punk rock dudes at the show moshing. Was a trip
Just got back not too long ago. Have mixed thoughts about the show. For one the show was promoted as him performing the entire Iron Maiden album from start to finish and then playing select songs from Killers.

He started off with Ides of March then went into Wrathchild and then Prowler. I was like 'okay I guess he is doing this in a different order, but what ever'. But then he played a few of his own original songs. The crowd was just standing there as he played his own songs, many people were talking about how it was bs that he was not following the set that was advertised. He then got pissed at the crowd for just standing there and said "If you were in England you'd get your asses kicked for standing there with your arms crossed" The crowd didn't take too kindly to that. But then he went back into some Maiden tunes. Then played another Original song, then played AC/DC Highway to Hell... wtf? All the Maiden songs he could do and he does Highway To Hell?

None the less he did play a ton of old Maiden songs and it was really cool to hear those songs with his voice. His lead guitarist was a total glam rock butt pirate that thought he was some diva. I tried my hardest to not pay attention to his hair whipping and showboating. The guy should have been playing for Winger or SKid Row. None the less It was a cool experience and I am glad I got to see it. I wouldn't ever go see him again he was not very good, a fat old drunken angry man. Maiden definitely made the best career move in history by getting rid of him. But I will always love those first 2 maiden albums and will remember this show. Very interesting.

Interesting review, and I oddly agree with you on near enough all points. You always manage to say SOMETHING that fucks me off though and you've done it again: WTF's wrong with Skid Row?! The first two albums are great!

Back to the review - DiAnno doing Highway to Hell would have pissed me off too. I went to see Jethro Tull and they did a cover of Kashmir. I mean, fucking hell, Tull have got 40 years worth of their own material to do and they cover a Xep song?! :yell: That pissed me off.

You should have known DiAnno would disappoint - even if HE had been on top form, Dave Murray wasn't there!
WTF's wrong with Skid Row?! The first two albums are great!

You should have known DiAnno would disappoint - even if HE had been on top form, Dave Murray wasn't there!

I am not a Skid Row fan. Okay maybe there is some good stuff on those albums. I don't hate them. I guess I am just saying the guitar player for Paul Dianno looked like a glam rock superstar. Had hair down to his ass line, kept whipping it left and right. When the lights went down and he came out we all though he was a chick. We were like 'thats cool he has a chick guitar player'. But he was a dude! Total show boater who wanted all of the attention on himself. He acted like he was playing in front of a huge arena. There was only about 100 people in the entire building. He made it difficult to watch the stage show because he was such a douche.

But yes I didn't expect too much from Paul's show. But I wanted to experience the closest thing I ever could to the first era of Iron Maiden. It kind of worked. But also still obviously wasn't even close to the same without the rest of the Iron Maiden guys on stage. Playing ACDC and his own songs was bullshit

What I do know is that Paul Di'Anno is a jealous old angry drunken man that probably won't be on this earth too much longer. He looks like shit, had to stop the set to go smoke a cigarette. His beer belly was popping out of his shirt. Must be hard to know you got kicked out of a band that went on to be one of the biggest bands of all time.
I've never had the chance to see Dianno live, but I do love those two Maiden albums with him. However every single interview I've read, or video interview I've seen, gave me the impression thats he's a bitter, drunken douche.

Still sang on two AWESOME albums though.
I've never had the chance to see Dianno live, but I do love those two Maiden albums with him. However every single interview I've read, or video interview I've seen, gave me the impression thats he's a bitter, drunken douche.

Still sang on two AWESOME albums though.

Yep agreed. I didn't expect much. But I was still fired up to see the guy who originally sang those songs. So at the end of the day it was worth it.

It was cool to hear him sing Phantom of The Opera, Killers, Etc Etc. He definetely made those songs have a more 'punk' type vibe to them. When Maiden now does them its more melodic.

But god watching this guy on stage and then watching Bruce Dickinson on stage it is no wonder why the Maiden guys would have fired him. This guy is about the same age and can barely even stand up. Bruce can still run around on stage for 2 hours like a 20 year old kid and then go fly a jet for 10 hours.

Good times though. Definitely worth seeing once in your life!
Every other drunk-ass redneck rock band out here plays Highway To Hell and I'm always sick of it. Not that there would be anything wrong with the song itself.
I actually saw his name on a thater marquee down here in Orange County, CA at the Galaxy theater a day or two before he was supposed to play there.

Since I was busy with work, I couldn't see him, and when I started reading the thread from IMF09 saying he was gonna play IM and Killers, I almost punched myself for missing it. But when I read from IMF09 how Di'Anno sounded, I felt bad. Because I hold those two albums very dear to me and consider them as 2 of the all time greats.

So I called a buddy of mine to see if he by chance heard or went and he told me a buddy of his went. It wasn't all that full and that much of what IMF09 said, he looked bad and out of shape. Sang the songs more punk, but just couldn't nail it down anymore. Also complained about no one liking his solo stuff.

My friend said that one of his biggest dreams would be seeing Maiden being fronted by Di'Anno again. Either at a special anniversary event or a one-off gig. But now he understands how sad it would look. And that he know understands why Steve Harris had to only think about bringing him back when Bruce left for like 30 seconds before deciding against it.

Yeah it would've made money and converted some new fans who never saw the OG line up live. But from what people are saying, it probably would've done more damage to the Maiden name and legacy than what the Blaze years did.:(

I actually saw his name on a theater marquee down here in Orange County, CA at the Galaxy theater a day or two before he was supposed to play there.

Since I was busy with work, I couldn't see him, and when I started reading the thread from IMF09 saying he was gonna play IM and Killers, I almost punched myself for missing it. But when I read from IMF09 how Di'Anno sounded, I felt bad. Because I hold those two albums very dear to me and consider them as 2 of the all time greats.

So I called a buddy of mine to see if he by chance heard or went and he told me a buddy of his went. It wasn't all that full and that much of what IMF09 said, he looked bad and out of shape. Sang the songs more punk, but just couldn't nail it down anymore. Also complained about no one liking his solo stuff.

My friend said that one of his biggest dreams would be seeing Maiden being fronted by Di'Anno again. Either at a special anniversary event or a one-off gig. But now he understands how sad it would look. And that he know understands why Steve Harris had to only think about bringing him back when Bruce left for like 30 seconds before deciding against it.

Yeah it would've made money and converted some new fans who never saw the OG line up live. But from what people are saying, it probably would've done more damage to the Maiden name and legacy than what the Blaze years did.:(

He did the same thing in Australia last year. Advertised that he was playiung the whole first maiden album and some songs from killers, which he didnt and then went on the complain about Iron Maiden thru the whole show. And we also got the highway to hell cover PLUS Blitzgrieg Bop. Glad i saw him, but man he sounded bad.
Interesting show by all means!

Regarding Sebastian Bach (Skid Row). He supported GnR (Axl with friends inc) a few years ago and he literally stole the show for me. Always had a brilliant voice and a great stage presence.
I actually saw his name on a thater marquee down here in Orange County, CA at the Galaxy theater a day or two before he was supposed to play there.

Since I was busy with work, I couldn't see him, and when I started reading the thread from IMF09 saying he was gonna play IM and Killers, I almost punched myself for missing it. But when I read from IMF09 how Di'Anno sounded, I felt bad. Because I hold those two albums very dear to me and consider them as 2 of the all time greats.

So I called a buddy of mine to see if he by chance heard or went and he told me a buddy of his went. It wasn't all that full and that much of what IMF09 said, he looked bad and out of shape. Sang the songs more punk, but just couldn't nail it down anymore. Also complained about no one liking his solo stuff.

My friend said that one of his biggest dreams would be seeing Maiden being fronted by Di'Anno again. Either at a special anniversary event or a one-off gig. But now he understands how sad it would look. And that he know understands why Steve Harris had to only think about bringing him back when Bruce left for like 30 seconds before deciding against it.

Yeah it would've made money and converted some new fans who never saw the OG line up live. But from what people are saying, it probably would've done more damage to the Maiden name and legacy than what the Blaze years did.:(


Oh man. Believe me if this dude actually tried to sing for Maiden Steven Harris would have beaten him down for being a drunken prick. The guy is so bitter its not even funny. The reality is 90 percent of the people that buy tickets to his show are only there because of the Iron Maiden material. He then gets mad when people don't go nuts during his unknown solo material and does try to diss Maiden when he gets a chance. The guy is really pathetic. But yes he was part of 2 great Iron Maiden albums so I will always respect the guy for being part of those 2 albums.
Oh man. Believe me if this dude actually tried to sing for Maiden Steven Harris would have beaten him down for being a drunken prick. The guy is so bitter its not even funny. The reality is 90 percent of the people that buy tickets to his show are only there because of the Iron Maiden material. He then gets mad when people don't go nuts during his unknown solo material and does try to diss Maiden when he gets a chance. The guy is really pathetic. But yes he was part of 2 great Iron Maiden albums so I will always respect the guy for being part of those 2 albums.

I'd say more like 100%. Sucks that he is so washed up because those first two albums are my Maiden favorites by far.
I'd say more like 100%. Sucks that he is so washed up because those first two albums are my Maiden favorites by far.

Okay well with 90% I was being generous =) I'd take most Bruce era albums over the first 2 Maidens albums. Especially Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, Powerslave, 7th Son. But I do love those first 2 Maiden albums a lot and it was still cool to hear those songs live no matter how much of a fat arrogant prick Pail Di'Anno was!