OT: good times


off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
some of you are gonna think this is hella lame but that includes myself so i'm just putting this shit up here for the ones that this may resonate with...

when you are very young you don't realize that you only get one chance to be that young and as corny as this video may be it reminds me of how careless and free we once were (and strive to be each day)


please don't flame me (too hard) thanks. . .

if u have similar vidz post them up, i am probably going to regret this lol

edit: BTW i'm the guy in the green (TMNT) shirt and that was my old band last will, now i am trying to develop a new band ( www.myspace.com/thelonelycamelot ) enjoy!
i hear ya..its great to look back at old footage and realize how things have changed..


a few friends and i reworked and rerecorded "i can climb mountains" for hell is for heroes as a birthday present for a friend..this is the video. apparently the band saw it and loved it ;)