OT: (Hed)Pe Truth Rising

Oct 5, 2003
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I have never really been a fan of Hed Pe but got their new album from a friend who said it was good. I listened to it a few times today and must say its pretty bad ass. I have always hated the rap/metal shit, but this shit is actually heavy and aggressive and has a hardcore punk vibe to it even though it's not really punk. I typically don't recommend bands or cd's like this one but I think some people may dig it.

It is called Truth Rising. Pretty damn good and raw.

Probably not for everyone but if you are looking for something a bit different check it out.

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Listened to it twice. First listen made me cringe with the vocals going from that screaming in the verses to the clean melodies. But on second listen it's cool enough...... not something I'd buy but it's ok.
I just can't get into this band, I first heard of them when I bought the Sabbath NIB 2 tribute cd, whenever it was that it came out. I checked some stuff out from them and just found it awful. On this song it sonds like they are trying to emulate System of a Down at times.

Just not my thing, and the fact that they are 9/11 crackpot conspiracy theorists doesn't help their cause to get me to change my mind...
I saw them open for Napalm Death and another time for Pro-Pain.
Good supporting act but thats about it.

Jeeez when was that like 20 years ago? Crazy. This band has been through a lot of changes through the years.

I saw them live not too long ago and they put on a great live show. I think you almost have to see them live at a headlining show to really get their vibe.
I can't believe i am gonna back up the drag queen lover. but i do really enjoy this album. Been a fan of them since first album when they were more trip-hop, been alittle disappointed in recent albums and though this is not a return to the trip-hop it is a more aggresive album. Not something i would suggest to most people here, but those who are more open minded with there music and not one dimentional it might be something you like. They pretty cool guys to, well those few left from back when i did security for them and was hanging in the socal scene.
Never really got into this band, this song is not bad but sounds to me as a big SOAD rip-off.

I can hear a SOAD influence in this particular song. But these guys have been around much longer that SOAD so I guess they can do what ever they want. But you really have to listen to the entire album to get it. But again I really don't expect most people on this forum to like this that much.
I can hear a SOAD influence in this particular song. But these guys have been around much longer that SOAD so I guess they can do what ever they want. But you really have to listen to the entire album to get it. But again I really don't expect most people on this forum to like this that much.
Sounds like first album SOAD. Which is fine by me thats one of my favorites. The only other one I like by them is steal this album. I'll give these guys a spin. They also make me think of Skindred. I liked their first album. Another cool band is Dub Trio. They're an isntrumental Dub/reggae metal band. Loves me some reggae so it stands to reason I'll also love it with a metal fusion.

I also dig the more traditional sounding metal riffs with noodly guitar solos mixed with more modern sounds. Fall Of Troy is one of my faves too. They are insane live. The new album blows though :(
Yeah, that's a good description. Not bad just... meh.

There are certainly both LOG and SOAD influences on this album. But over all the album is much more diverse than both of those bands. I have been listening to this album for the past few weeks. There are rap songs on it, reggae sounding songs, hardcore, punk, metal. It's a big mix of a lot of different styles. LOG is all the same thing over and over. Though I really like a few of the older LOG albums.

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I've seen this band live a few times and I gotta admit they're definitely different and I like their style even though it's not my normal listen. Might have to check this record out.