OT: How do you guys find guitar players?


May 3, 2006
Hey all,

I don't post here often, but my band is having a situation that has become frustrating and kind of confusing: We are a metal band that cannot find a guitarist.

My band based in Chicago, IL -- a city of about 5 million people. You'd think there would be a lot of options for us. But so far, everyone who's contacted us seems like they belong in either Weezer or Disturbed. I'm not knocking either of those groups (well maybe a little), but we're basically a thrash band, and I'm pretty sure these guys couldn't handle it. They probably don't even know who Gary Holt is, and that's unacceptable. I don't even know why they're wasting their time with us. There's been a few metal dudes who we've jammed with too but they've all flaked out on us.

I guess what I'm asking is: Is there some kind of secret process to finding metal guitarists that I don't know about?

I thought the dudes with the pizza delivery signs were drummers.

Actually wait....that's our drummer!
Dude ...

How are you on myspace and not able to contact hoardes of guitarists in the area? Seriously, bulletins, make a banner for it and put it on your page and in your bulletins ... basically just try to direct as much traffic to your site and info as you can. Make sure everyone is aware of what you are looking for. Blog it. Do music related and interest related searches.

If NONE of that works ...

The titty bars.

Cheers and good luck!

Yeah, we've been doing the MySpace thing, and the Craigslist thing...the band's even been on Blabbermouth a couple of times. And it's not that we haven't gotten responses, it's that a lot of these dudes completely suck. I mean, we're basically looking for someone who can play about as well as I do, and that's not asking a whole lot. But everyone here is creating this whole Pantera/Hatebreed/Disturbed thing that really blows (we call it "suburb-core").

If any of you guys that play guitar are looking to relocate, i hear Chicago's real nice this time of year.

And now...off to the titty bars!
Haha, not from what I've been learning in my Urban Geography class; seems you crackaz is swamped with some seriously ridiculous winters thanks to the lake!
Metaltastic -- Your school is feeding you lies. It never gets cold here, I don't know what you're talking about.

And I'm sure New York isn't cold at all right now.