OT: I was really bored at work...(wrestling related)


Imported Killer
I was really bored at work so my co-worker and I decided to organize who would be in charge of what if wrestlers ran the federal government. We came up with over 60 positions, but there are the highlights:

President: "Macho Man" Randy Savage
First lady: Miss Elizabeth (duh)
VP: Jerry "the King" Lawler
Chairman of the Federal Reserve: La Parka (get it? he's the "chair man," i.e. he whacks people with chairs)
Ambassador to Canada: Shawn Michaels (remember when he wiped his ass with the Canadian flag at Survivor Series '97 the night Bret Hart got screwed in his homeland?)
Secretary of the Treasury: "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase

rules were any gimmick of a person as long as he or she is still alive. In case you were wondering, Jesse Ventura was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

god I'm easily amused.
Scott Steiner would be chairman of the FDA because Lord knows he's used just about every performance-enhancing drug on the market. He's an expert in the field.

coop said:
Scott Steiner would be chairman of the FDA because Lord knows he's used just about every performance-enhancing drug on the market. He's an expert in the field.


Actually we had "The American Dream" Dusty Rhoades doing that because he's an expert on food. Mabel was second choice. I originally wanted Ravishing Rick Rude for FDA because of the drugs, but he's dead.
We had Steiner for something but took him off. I don't know if we placed him anywhere. The other guy typed up the list and I'll post it here when I get a copy.

Here are a few others:
Sec. of Defense: "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson
Sec. of Interior: "Hacksaw" Jim Duggin
Sec. of Transportation: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Sec. of Veterans Affairs: Sgt. Slaughter
personal secretary to the president: Dawn Marie
FCC Chairman: The Rock
director of Secret Service: Virgil (Vincent)
head of the INS or whatever its new equivalent is now: Konan
Big Bubba Rogers (Ray Traylor's character in the NWA before he became the Big Bossman in the WWF) would need to be a highly-ranking member of the secret service.
