OT: Kid probably had it coming


Apr 28, 2005
Looks to me like the kid was trying to pull poor tiggers tail. After about 150 of those little turds in a day I cant say I might not start to lose my cool.

Father: Costumed 'Tigger' Hit His Son
By Associated Press
Sat Jan 6, 10:12 PM

ORLANDO, Fla. - A Walt Disney World employee dressed as the character "Tigger" was accused of hitting a child while posing for a photo, a spokeswoman for the theme park said Saturday.

Park officials temporarily suspended Michael J. Fedelem while they investigate the accusations, Disney spokeswoman Zoraya Suarez said.

"Naturally, physical altercations between cast members and guests are not tolerated," Suarez said.

Jerry Monaco of New Hampshire videotapped his son, Jerry Jr., posing with the costumed character at Disney-MGM Studios on Friday and recorded the confrontation, according to a statement from the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

The father said Fedelem intentionally hit his son "on or about the head," said sheriff's spokesman Carlos M. Padilla. "The tape only shows a fraction of what happened. Now it's up to us to find out what led up to that."

A message left by The Associated Press for Monaco was not immediately returned. A telephone listing for Fedelem could not be located.

In 2004 a Walt Disney World employee dressed as Tigger was accused of touching the breast of a 13-year-old girl while she posed with him for a photo. A jury found the man not guilty.
Looks to me like the kid was trying to pull poor tiggers tail. After about 150 of those little turds in a day I cant say I might not start to lose my cool.

What this article doesn't say is that the kids' father got into it with the guy in the suit first. Appearently, "Tigger" accidently bumped into the guy and he made a big deal out of it. Then he whipped out the camera and told his kids to pose with him. I wouldn't doubt if he told his kid to say something to antagonize him.
What a bunch of complete twats, Tiggers the man. From what I can see the guy in the suit is having a bit of "gentle" fun with the oldest kid in the picture. The Dad laughs along then see's the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, may Allah sodomise him with a Volvo for all eternity....
I watched the video of this a few days ago on t.v., afterwards they had an interview with the kid and his father. The Dad said that the kid had to be taken to the hospital and wasn't feeling too good now because of the pain medication he had to take for his "injuries". If ya ask me it looks like when the kid put his arm behind Tigger he tried to grab his tail or some shit and Tigger wrapped his arm up and gave him a love tap. Nothing worth having to go to the hospital for. And if they truly went to the hospital over that little tap then I hope someone at this kids school kicks the shit out of him for not only being perhaps the biggest pussie on earth, but just for fucking with Tigger period. Thank God it was Tigger and not Donald Duck, Donald would've opened up a big 'ol can of whoop ass on the punk.
I just watched that video now, it looks to me like that kid tried to open the zipper on the back of the costume and tigger tried to grab him. If you ask me the little prick deserves to get a smack in the face. He is just lucky he didn't mess with Eeyore that guys already depressed he might have grabbed a gun and gone postal :lol: