OT: My Band Nerve Damage, 3 songs for download

not too bad man! I'm interested in hearing you guys once you are together longer and you have more experience singing. Because for being a new singer on there you're damn good!
buddy your vocals are kick ass,music is catchy,reminds me of spineshank,great melody too,i think a few bands would be happy to have u fronting them,and i aint just saying it!!!
mrthrax said:
buddy your vocals are kick ass,music is catchy,reminds me of spineshank,great melody too,i think a few bands would be happy to have u fronting them,and i aint just saying it!!!

Not bad Buddy..Lets see TD do any better than that.
I have dial-up so I only listened to one and it wasn't bad at all. Very tight for such a new band and I wish you and you bandmates the best of luck with it all.
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
This is just something we put together after only being together 3 week's. The quality is not that good, but it will do. Please tell me what you think. If you are on dial and only want to download one, I recommend "Drive". :Spam:

P.S. I know TD, it sucks right?

You mistake me Bud.
You hurt me.
You think I'm the kind of person who has time to listen to that???
I've got places to go, people to see, jobs to do, $$$$$$$ to make, all while putting smile on a generation of American Youth :worship: TD
ppffffftttttt.......@ this disgrace of my name :Smokedev:
Don't forget that you have crack to smoke, jackass. And I don't think your name could get any further disgraced, but I'm sure you'll come up with something.

Anyway, the music sounds pretty damn good. Keep it up.

I am pretty impressed! The sound is not the best ever heard of course, but I really like the music and ESPECIALLY the vocals! Is that you singing Buddy? Sounds like you kick much ass behind the mic! COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!