OT: My bands Demo download

Your singer has been trying to call you ALL FUCKING DAY!!!!!
Plus you're my guitarist!!! Nobody owns the T-man!!!

Since you're TOO FUCKING IMPORTANT!! to anwser your phone....
You have my #.....Use it!! E-mail, Snail Mail fucking pony express!!

I'm not the hardest guy to get a hold of!!

Hope you had a Great Christmas & New Year!!!!

tom warrior said:
still waiting to lay down some vocals on the second song, my singer is MIA.---tom
Listened to the first song. Cool stuff. Couple of ideas:

-get drummer to lay off the crash. It doesn't let the guitars articulate as well, and with the quality you were stuck with I couldn't hear the chorus at all.

-if your bassist was trying to slap in there, he NEEDS better tone. If he wasn't, well then he NEEDS better tone.

-get a slightly less chunky and more cutting-through guitar sound. That way when you start playing chords they don't turn into a wash of sound.

You're material itself was good stuff for that song, a couple of riffs I liked a lot. Think the song should have had a bit more variety though. Still, for a demo, that was well done.
I am pretty impressed! The sound is not the best ever heard of course, but I really like the music and ESPECIALLY the vocals! Is that you singing Buddy? Sounds like you kick much ass behind the mic! COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first song remind me of "The Clay People". Pretty good Buddy, you´ve got a great voice, I´m with coolsnow7 on the crash-thing tough. However it sounds promising, keep it up!