OT: Overdue Shield Thread


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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Okay, boys and girls, we missed any sort of real discussion on Season 3 because I wasn't here (and God knows I'm not going back to try and see if you had one without me). So with Season 4 looming in the distance, let's start one up.

First, I knew that Mara was a gold-digging whore during the season premiere. It's more like, "I know you've only known me for a month but I put out a lot so you have to buy me a Lexus. But I'm not after your money, cause it's a used Lexus." Uh-huh. Whore.

However, the angle of her finding the money and getting her mom involved was a bit of a surprise and part of what makes Shawn Ryan a genius. Good times.

As for Mara trying to turn Shane against Vic, well, that would be like trying to get Charlie to stab Scott in the head 100 times. Just something I don't see happening any time soon.

Wow, so Julien is still gay. There's some brand new information. :rolleyes:

The whole money train thing was awesome, from beginning to end, with many twists along the way. Who knew the Irish guy would end up with no feet? What the fuck is up with the feet thing, anyway? And Lem burnt the money after all that, anyway!! Partners or not, that dude would have eaten my gun. But apparently, that's just me.

Oh, and what the guys are doing to Tavon is WRONG. I want to beat the crap out of every one of them over that. That's a shitty thing to do to someone after your whore almost killed him.

And when you end up with a WHORE like that, for God's sake, DON'T MARRY HER! I swear.

The whole Claudette/captain thing was pretty cool and yet strangely predictable. A not-really spoiler for Season 4 is that Glenn Close has already signed on for the role of the new captain. I don't know if that means that Aceveda is gone for good, or if he'll show up from time to time, but TV Guide Channel announced Close's role, so it's legit.

The air date is still highly rumored at this point. I've heard January, March and April. Now, my guess is March, because 1. that's when it aired last year, 2. there's a game of some sort (don't know which system yet) slated for release in March, and 3. starting in April would interfere with the start of the new Nip/Tuck and Rescue Me seasons, in June and July.

That's all I came up with off the top of my head.

Let's hear some ideas/opinions/whatever.
Wow, I haven't even thought about the Shield since the 3rd season ended! I do remember being disappointed with the season finale, just seemed kinda anti-climatic. The way they're hinting that Dutch is messed up in the head (the cat episode) is kinda cool, be interesting to see where that goes. That Mara character gets me more pissed off than any tv personality ever has (or should). I can't wait 'till she's off the show. Can't think of much else right now.
I love The Shield, I partially watched it because of Brat.

Hey Brat,
With season 5 starting next month I had to bump this. Due to circumstances beyond my control I ended up missing the entire 4th season. I am going to pick it up tonight so that I can get caught up here.
FX is replaying Season 4 on for the next few weekends. Hopefully, I can watch them all before season 5 starts.

I've been reading spoilers for season 5, and there's going to be some interesting plot lines. Especially involving Danny.

I can't f'n wait.
Well, I finished off the last DVD of season 4 last night :headbang:. There are definitely some interesting possibilities for season 5. In the season 5 teaser on the last disc the voiceover says that it's "The beginning of the end." I really hope they're not talking about the show itself. If season 5 is the last season I am going to be pretty pissed off.
Naw, I don't think FX is going to cash in their money maker just yet. The Shield is probably their most successful show on the network and I think we can bet on 2 more seasons before they even think about being done with it....I stayed up late as hell this weekend watching the reruns and I have come to the conclusion that Shane is going to get smoked in this upcoming season:err: ....7 more days
I can't fucking wait to watch Season 4 on DVD when I get stateside.
All I have to say is "Holy shit!"
This season is going to be pretty intense. I wonder how Lem is going to hold up with IAD. Danny's pregnancy, Claudette's problems, the new rookie...I'm pretty psyched about this season.
I love the shield!

I'm just waiting on series 3 and 4 being imported for me by Amazon - 2 weeks and counting... Yayyy!!!!
Hey Johnnie, TV Nova needs to fucking buy this show! Awesome, tough-as-nails police show. Maybe it's out on DVD here, I don't know.
Drokk said:
Hey Johnnie, TV Nova needs to fucking buy this show! Awesome, tough-as-nails police show. Maybe it's out on DVD here, I don't know.

If you can read English (which obviously you can, D'oh!) there are some REALLY cheap offers on the first two series at www.amazon.co.uk and www.play.com at the moment. I think they ship Europe wide.
Seriously, Johnnie check it out!! I guarantee that if you watch a couple of episodes of the first season you will be hooked. Without a doubt it is one of the best shows on cable.
MyHatred said:
Seriously, Johnnie check it out!! I guarantee that if you watch a couple of episodes of the first season you will be hooked. Without a doubt it is one of the best shows on cable.
What he said.

This show is the best.