OT: Pic of my band Playing @ the Metro in Chicago

Jun 2, 2002
Chicago area
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What a fuckin night. This was an awesome show for us. For those of you that dont know, this is the place MOMD was shot. I know, who cares? I am board and have nothing better to do..

Good stuff.

Reilthing, playing the metro for local bands is a good sign your doing something right. It's not a bar, it's an actual venue that tickets need to be sold for. If your band's name isn't out there, tickets don't get sold. It's not like there would be a regualr crowd there like Penny road pub or something.
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Good lookin', sings in a Band.... and he speaks "Borg"!
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Nerve Damage will be the next generation - Anthrax is moving into the old folks home where they live their days out on booze, women and valium. Just kidding but seriously give Damage some Heavy Metal Love. :D
Hey Buddy how'd you get this gig. By the way if I ever played a venue like that it would be a dream come true. So congrats to you.