
May 11, 2010
If anyone here is a fan of power/progressive metal band Queensryche, here's their newest hit, just in cased you missed it. Blows away their older stuff imo:
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I love Queensryche, but this is not good. Not at all. Those early albums were awesome. What happened?
The new Queensryche is absolutely HORRIBLE. I like QR but I can't even listen to the new album it should be pulled from the shelves and all copys should be burned.
If anyone here is a fan of power/progressive metal band Queensryche, here's their newest hit, just in cased you missed it. Blows away their older stuff imo

This is a level, right? It has to be.

Loved this band for so long (much longer than most people, who gave up after HITNF), but they have just gotten so bad in recent years. I rarely wish that one of my favorite bands would retire, but it's clearly time.
I can't believe the band that did that crap, is the same band that did this:

IM agree! They are a very talented band, but how the hell did they come up with this??? I thought I just read something from Geoff Tate saying they were a "metal" band! This is not metal. I'm not even sure if it's music. Video is cool...but I like scantily dressed hosebeasts.
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