OT: Rude People Suck!


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
Not that I care about MTV or mainstream pop music anymore, but this is one reason I have no respect for most hip-hop artists. This past weekend at the MTV Video Music Awards, Taylor Swift was giving her acceptance speech for the Best Female Video award when this happened...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z8gCZ7zpsQ]Kanye West Disrespects Taylor Swift[/ame]

Following the incident, Kanye West was ejected from the event, and he's been widely condemned by just about everybody online. What a douchebag.

And the moral of the story: Rude People Suck.:mad:
Yeah Kanye West is a Fucking Douche Bag!!! What I don't understand is, if you're a successful,famous multi-platinum recording artist,awards really shouldn't be important to you. You're living you're dream,you're filthy rich and set for life,adoring fans everywhere,why should not winning an award you're nominated for be such an issue?

Sure it's nice and especially meaningful to your fans,but would you rather be rich and famous losing out on an award you were nominated for? Or be unknown and living in poverty as a struggling artist having not gotten your big break? They were there once before and lot of us are doing that now!

I'm sure Beyonce didn't care about losing out, but Kanye West is a scum bag!! Hip Hop still sux!!
Yeah Kanye West is a Fucking Douche Bag!!! What I don't understand is, if you're a successful, famous multi-platinum recording artist,awards really shouldn't be important to you. You're living your dream, you're filthy rich and set for life, adoring fans everywhere. Why should not winning an award you're nominated for be such an issue?

Sure it's nice and especially meaningful to your fans, but would you rather be rich and famous losing out on an award you were nominated for? Or be unknown and living in poverty as a struggling artist having not gotten your big break? They were there once before and lot of us are doing that now!

I'm sure Beyonce didn't care about losing out, but Kanye West is a scum bag!! Hip Hop still sux!!

One of the main causes of this incident was that Kanye West was drunk. He just waltzed in on an award ceremony completely unrelated to his own career and not only made himself look bad, but also Beyonce and MTV.

About 20 years ago, Slash and Duff McKagan appeared on stage too drunk to accept the award for Favorite Band on the American Music Awards. IIRC, Guns N' Roses were banned from that awards ceremony for a few years as a result. I hope MTV bans Kanye West for life.

At least Beyonce gave Taylor Swift a chance to finish her speech towards the end of the show.
Blame it on the alcohol, eh? What a pathetic egomaniac to think it's okay to just ruin an event this big like that because it's ok cuz it's him and everyone surely wants to hear what he has to say. :puke:So, where was security when this was going down anyway? We all know what happens to people who get on stage inappropriately during rock shows.

Gotta see if that Leno thing is online. Wanna see him tapdance this one! LOL!
I bet MTV wasn't at all dismayed by the whole incident. That's why their security "lets things happen" as policy. Now the VMAs are the topic of national conversation up to and including the President, who called Kanye a JACKASS. MTV is laughing all the way to the bank. And Kanye should sit down and shut up.
Was this broadcast live?

Just wondering cos something similar happened at the Brit Awards back in the mid 90's. Michael Jackson was performing (I think) Earth Song and had a load of children around him and was doing a sort of Jesus pose. Pulp's singer Jarvis Cocker took great offence to this and stormed the stage. Ever since then the Brits has never been broadcast live, usually the night after.

EDIT: You can find everything on You Tube nowadays!!!

It's nothing as spectacular as Kanye West's stunt but it caused quite an uproar over here at the time.
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Who the fuck is Kanye west?

I've heard of taylor swift but kanye west???? what kind of name is that?

Hell, I never heard of him until this incident. These hip-hoppers come up with these weird names (i.e. Puffy/Puff Daddy/P. Diddy/Diddy or whatever name he's using this time) so they can easily copyright them and make loads of money out of them.
south park already jumped this shark and proved it by playing this episode over and over tonight! :lol:

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This is Kanye West at his racist best. That is really what this is about. Like at the BET the day after MJ died, Jaime Fox had the nerve to scream to his audience, "remember, he belonged to us!"

The Music is purely evil and absolutely creates crime and violence regardless of that bullshit that they are artists expressing themselves. They aren't artists. They are manufactured.

You can't be intelligent and like hip hop. It's music for the low class, low intelligent fodder of society, which is becoming the norm.
Okay, so this isn't exactly an example of rudeness, but since Kanye West was drunk during his incident, it's still an awkward situation of having too much booze before going onstage.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jrou5EKY2zk]Mariah's Bizarre Acceptance Speech[/ame]