OT: Rush, 7-10-04, Concord Pavilion


Mar 17, 2003
Concord, Ca.
Overall, a pretty good show. Sound seemed a bit off from the last time they played But the light, laser and visuals were great.

If you can catch the 30th ann. tour, I highly recommend it!

I was wearing an Enchant I-music cast shirt, and only had a few other Enchant paraphernalia sightings: two gals who chastised me for missing the most excellent Calprog show...

Anyways, I think that's about it, concert wise as I can't think of anybody coming to the Bay Area in the near future...

Sounds great - I CANNOT wait for the 29th, when the boys from Canada play down here. REALLY looking forward to the show.

By the way Dano - I spotted your post about Paul's (??) site - I tend to think that IS him, but I'm sure one of the band will confirm. When I get some time, I'd like to read his articles on there. Good spot!
I was able to catch Rush in Mountain View at the Shoreline on Friday night, and I have to say that it was an amazing show!! They played great and the video stuff was just hilarious!!! I won't ruin it for anyone else, but these guys have a great sense of humor.

Highlights for me were Red Barchetta and Between the Wheels!

sflanegan said:
Highlights for me were Red Barchetta and Between the Wheels!


Sweet! Two of my favs!
I am so stoked they are playing BETWEEN THE WHEELS - Grace Under Pressure is one of my top three albums by them. (So depressed I missed them back on the Power Windows tour because I doubt I will ever get to see them play one of my favorite songs of theirs live - Middletown Dreams...:cry: )

Glad the CalProg show went so great for you, Sean. Anxiously awaiting to re-live the IMusicast show via the DVD - hope they used plenty of shots from that camera mounted right over your kit!!! (on the same type of topic, have you watched the Rush in Rio DVD and Neil's solo? With the great camera work, it's almost better than being there live to see it cause you miss nothing!:rock: )

On the related Red Barchetta note, my older brother is a HUGE Rush fan (got me into them) but he also loves cars - so of course, when he got his first car for the drag strip, he had to appropriately name his 'team'.


Not sure if you are into cars (Was talking to Ed about this back in March at the alehouse) but check out the site if you get a minute. I can proudly say I did plenty of the camera work when it came to 'posed' shots of the car off the track and some of the videos as well. (his original Red Mustang is in there, hence the first naming of the team) The current car is named Bullitt, appropriately, since its the same color and year as the Mustang used in the Steve McQueen movie.

Hey, thanks again for being such a damn personable and easy person to talk to at the IMusicast show (as well as siging all my 'stuff' - you guys rock on and OFF the stage. :worship:

Great show, eh? I agree with Sean--Wheels and Barchetta were great. The choice of songs was pretty good--covered alot of territory. Me and my dragon loved the videos of course!! Dan--Re the gals 'chastising' you about Calprog, if they were hanging over the railing as you were leaving, that was my daughter and me. She was wearing her iMusicast Enchant shirt as well. And she's STILL kicking herself for NOT going to Calprog. On the way to the Rushow, she was wishing she had some Enchant sampler cds and/or flyers to hand out. Guys--what do you think? Some of us are going to the Marillion show, we could hand stuff out...that may be preaching to the choir, but you never know!

Hey Dave, Re fast red cars and wheels and stuff...That's very cool that your brother indulges himself with his racing and all. I had a '65 Barracuda a while back, toyed with the vanity plate/Barchetta thing..ah, youth! I wish you could have made it to Calprog. The guys once again rocked the rafters and were so generous with their time. Their exuberance, talent and passion just exploded off the stage. Powerful! I totally enjoyed the whole day, but Enchant was the highpoint..I'm still in a total daze--it was outstanding!

Hey guys, we're ready for another show...how about a nice relaxing accoustic gig? :grin:

Via drivendragon
Thanks for all of the great reviews :) I'm going to see them tomorrow night at the Verizon Amphitheater in Irvine, and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Via...so you were the culprit(s)...eh? ;)

Vapor Trails isn't too bad, some don't like the way it sounds, though (mix-wise).

Rush concert wise, when the house lights go up at the end of the show, watch the video playing...it's pretty funny...
