OT: someone tell me whats wrong in these pics

:hypno: I didn't like that girl in the bard's forum and I won't like it here either.

Very strange.
she has a really weird smile. its almost like its not even a smile... and it looks identical in every picture. i had to look a few times to make sure she wasn't photoshopped into all those pictures.... :err:
OK, this one I made it myself. This girl got really famous here in Brazil, just like another woman whose name is "Ruth Lemos", that has a very awful interview in brazilian TV.

Anyways, here it goes...

That is damn scary. Going to have nightmares now, haha.
Looks like she's on drugs of some kind.. she should kill herself for looking so freaky.
†Russel Allen†® said:
OK, this one I made it myself. This girl got really famous here in Brazil, just like another woman whose name is "Ruth Lemos", that has a very awful interview in brazilian TV.

What did she get famous for? Having the same creepy facial expression in every picture?
There were so many pictures I figured it was going to be one of those "shock" jokes. Like where you're supposed to look real close at two pictures for differences between the two and all of a sudden a zombie pops up on the screen screaming...
