OT: Something To Think About

ThraxMan said:
If you have sex with your clone, is that incest or masturbation?


Where do you think of this stuff? I think my head would explode if I thought about that for too long. I'll wait to see the other answers, then maybe I'll pick one of theirs.
. Incest laws are there to protect the gene pool from genetic abberation caused by the increased likelihood of harmful recessive genes producing unwanted results, and typically have prevented opposite sex relationships within close blood relatives. So having sex with a clone is most likely to involve a same sex relationship, which (in the UK at least) isn't illegal. It is pretty horrid mind you. I do seem to remember seeing a Jerry Springer with lesbian identical twin women that got it on with each other. *shudders*

Arguably, masturbation is "Excitation of one's own or another's genital organs, usually to orgasm, by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse." If you're having sex with a clone, then that's sexual intercourse.

God damn it, I need to get out more.
Let's just say I have way too much time on my hands!


eighteeschick said:
Where do you think of this stuff? I think my head would explode if I thought about that for too long. I'll wait to see the other answers, then maybe I'll pick one of theirs.
DarrellDethSDMF said:
I wouldn't have sex with myself 'cause I'm not gay.

So if you were gay, you would have sex with yourself then? Masturbation is one thing but no matter how much I like myself, I would never have sex with myself - gay or not (although I would know how to hit the right spots).
Well I am 21. If I was cloned, my clone would be an infant. So I would have to wait untill it was old enough - otherwise it would be statatury rape.

However clones grow at an accelrated rate. At least the sheep did. SO for the clone to reach an approprate age may only take 6 years. It's ashame I'm not gay.

I say incest, since technicaly you are related.
It can't be considered as an incest 'cause a clone is not a relative. Masturbation might be present regardless of who is a partner or if there is a partner (Mas·tur·ba·tion
Pronunciation: "mas-t&r-'bA-sh&n
Function: noun
: erotic stimulation especially of one's own genital organs commonly resulting in orgasm and achieved by manual or other bodily contact exclusive of sexual intercourse, by instrumental manipulation, occasionally by sexual fantasies, or by various combinations of these agencies called also onanism, self-abuse.
Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc. ).
I would call it an Egomaniacal Narcicistic Misanthropic Syndrome.
prime666 said:
I get laid on a regular basis and I masturbate like a fuckin banshe so I would justuse my cloan for spare parts. I may need a new liver one day.
How does a Banshe masterbate... can you show us?