OT: Taking A Dump

Fuck off!

Taking a dump is like a ritual. It is one of the best feelings you can have! I love taking shits... unless I get ring sting. Then I really don't look forward to the next shit because I know there will be blood on the TP.

Taking a piss when drunk to me is fucking orgasmic. Getting rid of like 2 litres of fluid in one piss... that feeling can't be beaten.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Fuck off!

Taking a dump is like a ritual. It is one of the best feelings you can have! I love taking shits... unless I get ring sting. Then I really don't look forward to the next shit because I know there will be blood on the TP.

Taking a piss when drunk to me is fucking orgasmic. Getting rid of like 2 litres of fluid in one piss... that feeling can't be beaten.

:ill: Orgasmic? One of the best feelings you can have?? :err:
Ya really want to blow out your asshole! Drink twelve pints of Guinness, followed by a glass or two of Makers Mark, add 3 seven layer burritios with fire sauce ( five packets minimum)... Fuck for a few hours to stir it all up, sit back for about six hours then watch the mud fly. You will need to clean and disinfect the bowl after this one..... I also recomend you turn up the stereo to 11 to hide the noise from your significant other.... Most importantly keep a bottle of lysole handy unless you want to end up single..