OT - Ultravox - Brilliant

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Sorry for altering your regular programming but these guys might have a few fans here who knows and I just couldn't resist this post. I had no idea that Ultravox where releasing an album after 28 years away barring an incarnation which did not feature Midge on vox. They were one of my fave bands in the 80s these guys so I pressed play with low expectations but I'm very pleasantly surprised. Not bad for some old had beens! These reunions often end up shite but this is quite good. I am more than pleased. The album has 4-5 glorious classic 80s Ultravox songs. There are some dull songs too but I'll forgive them cause the upbeat melodic songs more than make up for it. There's no classic in there like Vienna or anything but for geezers pushing 60 it's pretty good! Only Midge's voice is shot a bit and he doesn't quite have the power of old that I used to remember. Whole album is on YT but here are my fave songs. What do you think?

Opener Live is a beautiful classic mid paced, dramatic Ultravox tune with a solid vocal from Midge.

Title track Brilliant is a catchy tune although Midge's voice is a little understated and weak but the song is moody and great with typical Ultravox atmospherics. The synth hooks and moody middle section brooding are very cool with a big hooky chorus.

Hello is a gentle and lilting melodic track with great piano as always with Ultravox. The hello hello hello hook will get you in the end.

Flow is a rolling song with a steady haunting beat and atmosphere and some beautiful electronics. Also features one of Midge's stronger performances on the album.

Satellite is my fave track off the album. It's like a remake of The Voice a bit, though not quite as good as that song but what can be? It's still great with a lovely classic whoooaaa from Midge leading on to the chorus. It also has violin which brings echoes of Vienna and Visions in Blue. A beautiful song.
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