
Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Well in just over 48 hours I will once again see my all time favourite band, the mighty, ageless, and peerless, Iron Maiden.

The fact I have only had the pleasure to see them once live (3 years ago in Melbourne) is more down to them not touring Oz so to say I am excited right now is an understatement.

I feel like I am 16 again back in 1988 discovering this fantastic heavy metal band for the first time. The band that turned me to metal.

I know there a lot of Maiden fans on here so I am sure you all agree just how fucking amazing and timeless Bruce, Nicko, Steve, Adrian, Davo and yes, even Janick are up on stage.

The last (and only) time I saw them in 2008 there was about 15,000 in the sold out arena - old school fans like me, some older, some with their kids and family too. Every single person was on their feet, singing, jumping, pumping fists and right into it from start to finish. Totally amazing sight. Oh and Maiden were simply incredible on stage.

Seriously, Bruce Dickinson is a fricken bionic cyborg - how much energy this man has is exhausting even thinking about it. The whole band it so super tight and one of the few bands that actually sound just as good if not better live than they do on their recordings.
They're here in the beginning of June, I'm still not sure if I'd go.

Whats the problem Johnnie, you want Iron Maiden to have John Bush sing for them instead?

Iron Maiden puts on the best live show of any heavy metal band in history. Not even close imo. These guys are freaks of nature and the money it takes to see them is worth every single penny. they aren't getting any younger. You might kick yourself in the nuts if you don't have a chance to see them again. get off your lazy ass and go so Maiden... maybe John Bush will make a guest appearance just for you :lol:
Whats the problem Johnnie, you want Iron Maiden to have John Bush sing for them instead?

Iron Maiden puts on the best live show of any heavy metal band in history. Not even close imo. These guys are freaks of nature and the money it takes to see them is worth every single penny. they aren't getting any younger. You might kick yourself in the nuts if you don't have a chance to see them again. get off your lazy ass and go so Maiden... maybe John Bush will make a guest appearance just for you :lol:

I would like to see them, but I don't really care for Korn, Mastodon and the other bands on the bill. If they played Prague headlining show, I wouldn't hesitate.
See you there up the front Wayne. This is my first Maiden live experience. They're the one metal band in my 20 years of being into metal that I've always had as my number 1 'band to see before I die'. Cannot fucking wait.
My dad went to see them on the Powerslave tour for the first time, and we've gone together every time. Still can't imagine going to see Maiden without him. The last time we went was back in '06, in the Continental Arena/Izod Center. Maiden always puts on a hell of a show and they're still my favorite live band. I'm going all the way down to Florida with my dad and my brother to see them soon. It'll be worth it.
I would like to see them, but I don't really care for Korn, Mastodon and the other bands on the bill. If they played Prague headlining show, I wouldn't hesitate.

Who cares about those other bands. I wouldn't want to see them either. There are always opening bands. Thats what sitting in the parking lot and drinking was created for :worship:
I saw them here in Cleveland, during the reunion tour for the first time ever and a few years ago with Queensrych and Rob Halford, during the time of the rumored "three tremors" project. Iron Maiden rule live.
Iron Maiden puts on the best live show of any heavy metal band in history. Not even close imo.

I absolutely 110% concur with the above statement. I've seen my fair share of live bands (understatement) and not just in metal (U2, Muse, etc) and none of them could touch Maiden for sheer live entertainment.
See you there up the front Wayne. This is my first Maiden live experience. They're the one metal band in my 20 years of being into metal that I've always had as my number 1 'band to see before I die'. Cannot fucking wait.

Mate we are in for a treat like no other.
My dad went to see them on the Powerslave tour for the first time, and we've gone together every time. Still can't imagine going to see Maiden without him. The last time we went was back in '06, in the Continental Arena/Izod Center. Maiden always puts on a hell of a show and they're still my favorite live band. I'm going all the way down to Florida with my dad and my brother to see them soon. It'll be worth it.

That´s a cool thing to say. I wish my kids would say so sometimes in the future. My son really likes Maiden, but he´s still too young to come with me to a concert. I`m afraid they won't be around anymore, when he is old enough, neither will any other of my favourite bands, except the Rolling Stones maybe.
John Bush is the Bruce Dickinson of Anthrax

Putting John Bush in the same sentence as Bruce Dickinson just doesn't work. John Bush has not one single asset to his voice that can even come close to competing with Bruce Dickinson.

Even further. You all know the pre-john bush era of Anthrax is the Bruce Dickinson of Anthrax's career.
Putting John Bush in the same sentence as Bruce Dickinson just doesn't work. John Bush has not one single asset to his voice that can even come close to competing with Bruce Dickinson.

Even further. You all know the pre-john bush era of Anthrax is the Bruce Dickinson of Anthrax's career.

Bush is the best singer for Anthrax, Dickinson the best singer for Maiden. Works for me.