OT: Van Halen...

I'm bummed Mike isn't going to be on the tour, he's a huge part of the VH sound, to me it's not VH without him. Ticket prices are likely to be stupidly expensive, too...

And as others have said, putting a 15 year old kid on an arena tour like this is probably not a good idea...
As long as he doesn't talk, I don't see anything "wrong" with this playing ...

You're not serious, are you????? That shit was beyond horrible. Sounds like what you hear any time you walk into Guitar Center and some 16 year old is playing through an amp cranked to 11 making annoying noise.
You're not serious, are you????? That shit was beyond horrible. Sounds like what you hear any time you walk into Guitar Center and some 16 year old is playing through an amp cranked to 11 making annoying noise.

Well, he will be playing his songs and not "demonstrate" some amp, so I reckon it will be more coherent ...
Eddie looks just...awful... I'm sorry to even have to say that...

I saw the Fender videos from NAMM, and the guy plays like a monster , but he indeed looks like life has taken some kind of toll on him.

On th other hand , I'm still hoping to catch him live and see how Wolfgang stands up to the hype his daddy created :)