Other than redwirez + ownhammer, what companies are selling impulses these days?


Nov 26, 2009
Just a matter of curiosity really, I'm interested to see whats in the "premium corner" regarding impulses but I can only really find two companies.
check out god cabs. He has a mesa oversized pack that's pretty damn good. My problem is that redwirez, ownhammer, god cab... all sound very different even with the same cab and mic. It's good if you want different sounds but if you want accurate simulations then it's hard to know which sounds like the real thing and which doesn't. In theory they should sound very similar since it's the same cab/mic. Different poweramp but that doesn't matter as much as the other 2.
I've got some IR's in my sig you are free to use if you wish, they're free. I also have an IR making service as well, so I could make you one to your spec that would match your rig.

EDIT: Not that by posting here I am assuming my work is "premium" or whatever that word is supposed to denote, but I think my IR's at least sound good anyway. Try my V2 pack first.
I've got some IR's in my sig you are free to use if you wish, they're free. I also have an IR making service as well, so I could make you one to your spec that would match your rig.

EDIT: Not that by posting here I am assuming my work is "premium" or whatever that word is supposed to denote, but I think my IR's at least sound good anyway. Try my V2 pack first.

This man has made some pretty great impulses, definitely check them out. Others I can recommend are as stated above, kalthallen and Gods cab.