Ouch, worst break ever!?

I dunno about this. Looks fake but why would someone go to all that trouble? Also, it's pretty hard to break your own leg like that. Maybe. It's funny anyway.
I'm not going to watch it because I think I know what it was, was it the dude breaking his shin with a roundhouse to a shin defense, then he tries to stand on it and it just buckes? That is real. And gross.

If not, then it's probobly somthing else just as gross like an armbar-to-elbowsnap. *Shudder*
Reign in Acai said:
100% real. I've seen clips of this happening to several MMA fighter's.

Can back that up as well. Though the one I'm talking about was K1 kickboxing/muay thai rules, but still fucking horrible and gross. Is this one in an octagon?
I'll check with my trusty comrades at www.bullshido.net and see what they have to say. It's probobly already been discussed, SEARCH FUNCTION AHOY!

I know it's fully possible and has happend before, the video I posted is real, but ya never know!
nothing on the intarweb is real folks. we cant even reveal our own names for goats sake