Our EP - Symphonic Metal - Free Download - Thanks SneapForum!


New Metal Member
Nov 30, 2010
This is our EP, it's free for download. I'm reader of this forum for a long time, it's time to say thank to everybody here who shared lot of useful information.

The band name is Dong Do
For videos, please see our youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/officialdongdo
For more info, please visit our band site: http://www.dongdoband.com
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/dongdoband

EP Illusion:
1. Land of the Dragon
2. Don't Touch the Future
3. Illusion
4. A Song from the Heart (bonus track)

Hope you like our music! ;) Thanks for reading and listening.
You thank us for what?

Well since this is in the Rate my mix part of the forum here goes:

To me it sounds like the synths and drums are straight from a Amiga game. The guitars are way over gained. You sing in a language I don't understand.

BUT you got some good ideas here and there, enjoyed the lead solo parts!
"Hanoi, Vietnam" says myspace, maybe thats why you have some difficulties with the vocals mr englund ;)
you sure you dont mean UNDERgained Ola? Only listened to the first song and the chords fade out quite fast..
mixwise everything sounds quite seperated and theres a lot of space for improovement but in general it could be a nice mix!
and some nice stuff in there fo sure
@Goddamn Guitar: Thank you for enjoying some of our songs. All of orchestra instruments came from EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Silver. Synth Lead is Vanguard and Atmosphere. Guitars is ENGL e530 PreAmp through home-made 2x12 V30s cab -> SM57. Actually, I liked many of your amp demo videos on YouTube. They're awesome!
I say thanks because we've got much mixing guides in this forum. I know this EP's production quality can not compared to any mix here, we j tried our best. Next 4 months, we will release our album, all of these songs will be remixed.
@Mago: Thank you for listening to us.

This is our song for Christmas, hope you guys like it:
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