Our mixes


Proud IMG Guitarist!
Apr 16, 2001
Maryland USA
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well...after finding out about my mix of where eagles dare, I analyzed many of our tracks with software...and guess what?

The majority of our tracks could stand to have frequencies below about 80hz cut down significantly. Compared to pro recordings, we are extremely bottom heavy on many of our tracks. Too much rumble.

Just a thought going forward if/when you are mixing. I know I am going to start paying heavy attention to signals below 80 and about 16k in the future.

Thanks EC and Hyde for the wisdom.
I think you're right Rabs, and really I think that each individual instrument track could be more carefully EQed into thier respective frequency "pockets". Our mixes could use more space in them that way I think.

It takes a lot of time, but careful EQing is really the difference between a good mix and a great one, I think. :cool:

I think I'm gonna grab some tracks from some of our songs and practice this stuff a bit. I really haven't sat down and tried to crank out my best mix yet... :( I'm usually so far behind on my recordinghs that I never have time for mixing. :p ;)
Originally posted by rabies
well...after finding out about my mix of where eagles dare, I analyzed many of our tracks with software...and guess what?

The majority of our tracks could stand to have frequencies below about 80hz cut down significantly. Compared to pro recordings, we are extremely bottom heavy on many of our tracks. Too much rumble.

Just a thought going forward if/when you are mixing. I know I am going to start paying heavy attention to signals below 80 and about 16k in the future.

Thanks EC and Hyde for the wisdom.

Rabies, I just did a similar test with a freeware analyzer I downloaded and noticed the same thing. I also noticed that the frequencies above 11k dropped off dramatically on the Beast mix you sent me. My Women mix had a dramatic drop off at about 15-16k and a U2 mp3 I had dropped off dramatically around 16k.
I compared the studio cd versions to our mp3's for Beast and my mix for Sandman and the cd's don't have a dramatic drop in highs like our mp3's. The drop off in highs might be a limitation of using mp3. :)
What was the freeware analyzer if I may ask?

MP3s definately have a substantial drop-off on the highs..that was one of its major limitations.
I checked out the link, but not the software yet Ec. Thanks. Did you check out the link I posted. It works ok, and it's free.:)