Overheads and Room Mics...any thoughts?


May 3, 2006
Hey...so I'm going to be tracking some drums for my band's album, and we need a couple mics yet. I figured I'd go to the experts, since the guys on this site were pretty helpful last time I posted.

We have some cheap-ass Nady condensers that we've been using as overheads, but I'd like to pick up something that sucks slightly less (the nadys will probably find themselves used on the ride and/or high hat.) Also we still need a room mic. I should also mention that we're looking to spend as little money as possible, since we are broke.

Any thoughts?
Hopefully we can buy them -- this recording may take a while, and renting might not be so cost-effective.
I've got two nady condensers that i used in place of my over heads. I put them maybe 2 1/2 or 3 feet off the ground facing flat at the drums, one of the left and one on the right side of the set about....2-3 feet away from the actual set. This picked up all the drums pretty well (including the cymbals) it was kind of shocking it sounded ALOT better than predicted. we might buy better condensers too becaus eht nadys arent that nice. but try doing that with your nady's.
Not to sound like an ass hole, but if it's gona take you that long that buying some cheap mics is cheaper than renting some decent ones, your time might be better spent rehersing longer. Like I said, i'm not having a go here, I haven't even heard your stuff, but if you're recording, then you'd hope to know the material backwards and rip it out pretty quick.
Keep in mind that decent mics aren't that cheap. If you're donig an album, you don't want it to sound cheap, or like a demo either.
Sorry about the "brutal" honesty, but it might even have you save some money.

Good luck
Try some Rode and Studio Projects stuff. They are your typical chinese-style boosted-highs mics on a budget, but they do their job rather well.

I'd suggest looking into a pair of Rode NT5s and Studio Projects B1s.

The NT5s work great as overheads if you mainly want them as cymbal mics. I'd imagine the B1s would make a nice room mic pair since they are the most transparent condenser you can hope to get in such a low price range.

Good luck.
I bought me the rode nt2a for my studio setup last week and I payed 300euro.

And, I saved 33 euro because I know the dealer.

So the normal price is at about 333-350 euro.

For overheads I would say,buy the bayerdynamic opus 53. They cost only 80euro and they sound great!!!
Nebulous -- it's not an issue of lack of rehearsal (although it wouldn't kill us to practice more), it's more of a timing thing. The four of us all have different job schedules and live kind of far from each other. We were hoping to mic up the drumset, leave it there, and record whenever we can make the time to do so. (plus, if we keep the stuff, we can record more songs whenever we feel like it).

Thedeloshimself-- which Nady's are you using? I wonder if it's the same ones.

Thanks guys!