Overproducing live album?


Proud Behringer User
Feb 19, 2012
So I recorded a live performance of a rock band that want to put out a live album. Full performance is 18 songs / 58 minutes. I tracked everything (DIs, cabs, drums, triggers, midi keyboards...). We discussed it and they want a polished mix with perfect dynamics, timing etc... I don't totally agree with this because a) it's a live performance b) it takes a lot of time (which I don't really have) on editing everything. So what do you think should I do?

I'm thinking about suggesting them to cut a few songs but I doubt they will agree. Do you think I should charge them extra than my typical mixing cost for this? I mean, usually I wouldn't spend half the time I do mixing a studio recorded album. Should I try to convince them that it's a live performance so it doesn't need to sound like a record? What do you do with situations like this?
If they want the extra work then charge them for it, say you weren't going to edit and if they want it edited it'll however many hours extra so will cost more.

If the band want it hyper produced I guess it's their choice.
^ This

But IMO it's not a good idea and not a good artistic choice to 'overproduce' a live record. The risk is it will probably sound like a fake and the real interest to hear the band in a live situation won't be on tape. If they want it super produced then they have to sound fucking great live at first and pay for an awesome live recording. Just my opinion.
won't be on tape.

it won't be on tape anyways to begin with. :rolleyes:
although i totally agree but it's the band's choice in the end.

i charged them 3x my normal cost and they're OK with it.
Well you do know what I mean by 'tape', don't you ;)
Cool that everything's fine at the end.
Live record doesn't include deep editing imho, so if they want it - more money.

That's where it begins and ends, bottom line.

Fixing the errant fuckup is one thing, but doing a studio-production's worth of editing on a live record isn't only unnecessary, if the band is that terrible live (I'm not assuming the are at all), then then shouldn't put out a live record.

Check out the record "Live From the House Pub" by Beautiful Collision on iTunes. I tracked, mixed and mastered that record in April of 2012, and I fixed the drum timing once and the pitch of the vocals twice. The rest was left life. Is it perfect? Not even close, but it feels real.

My $0.02.
@Heabow ;)

@Jordon the band was good but you know.... they want a perfect record...
i checked the live album on itunes... great mix!