Ozzfest this weekend


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I didn't even realize that it was coming up so quick.

So, is anyone going to this thing?

I am very curious to know how this whole thing goes down.
It was an interesting idea, but I am wondering how successful it will be.

I read somewhere that they did not initially distribute as many tix as originally thought, and then supposedly made it easier to get them.
Nada. Nada. Nada. I personally have had no interest in it for quite a few years now.

My bro went to the stop in St. Louis yesterday. He lives in Arkansas, so...that was the closest date for him! It's also his first "metal" show. I told him to beware of the Devildriver circle pits. :lol:

I haven't talked to him yet...I dunno if he even made it back home in one piece! Anyway, I am anxious to hear his review.
Chris & I are going to see it up at Alpine Valley. Not expecting much, but should still be fun.

Ray and I will be at the Alpine show (Aug 12th) too... It happens to be Ray's birthday, so you will probably be able to find us staggering around the parking lot partying our asses off! :lol:

See ya there!:kickass:
I heard at some places, they were letting people walk in without a ticket since it's techinically a free show. They didn't want riots from turning non-ticketholders away from a free concert.

I went in 2004 for Priest/Slayer/Dimmu, but haven't really cared since 1999.
Fuck that. Ozzfest sucks, and has sucked for some time (though I do like Nile. But I've seen them already.) I'd have liked to have seen Maiden and Priest at Ozzfest, but that's about it. And at this point I refuse to support anything backed by Sharon Osbourne.

I'll be at Dream Theater this weekend. DT + Redemption = WIN.
DT + Redemption! SWEET!! I have had a hard time sleeping lately.
Where do I get tix??? J/K.....

I wish there were more semi-decent acts at Ozzfest.
I would like to see Nile and Behemoth, and slight interest in Ozzy.
WAY too much shit otherwise though. Not even worth free, for me at least.

I wonder how much they will charge for parking.
I wanted to go with my friends for giggles (to see what Ozzfest was like, though I'd much rather see any of those bands in a non-ozzfest setting), but they were like "YEAH WE WERE ONE TICKET TOO SHORT SO YOU CAN'T COME SORRY."

Fuck 'em, anyway. I don't give a shit.
I went in KC and I thought it was enjoyable for being free definitely.

I watched Cthonic, 3 Inches of Blood, Behemoth, Nile and Lordi. All of were great Lordi being easily my favorite. I would have watched Daath had their bus not been in Denver broken.
I find Ozzy performing live to be a joke now. I saw him last summer for the first time and once was enough. I enjoy his new album quite a bit, but his overall performance is boring. Not to mention I was soaking wet the entire day from a small monsoon or something it was ridiculous. 3 Inches of Blood had to end their set one song early because almost all their equipment was fried.