Ozzy Osbounre - Scream

Sixx, how could you call Black Rain a "slick" production? That record sounded like crap.

That aside, I really liked your opening few paragraphs. Well written and thought out. I'm anxious to hear the new disc.
Did they hire a new vocalist too ? har har har

yep it will sell and the fallacy... I mean legacy will continue
A friend bought this over the weekend and gave it to me saying he hated it. Musically, it's a real big meh. It's Ozzy trying to be Rob Zombie. And that's fine, but why the hell is Gus G his guitarist?! It's like hiring a hollywood team to produce a video for someone in grade 6... what a waste!

Also, this album is almost as hyper compressed as the new Metallica album. WTF? It's loud as shit and it's distorted like crazy.
Well...Had a listen yesterday, and I think it simply sucks.
Can it be THAT hard for these top musicians to write some decent songs ??? :confused:
I've found that most of the great songs were written by regular basic players rather than top shelf instrumentalists that seem to have learned too much of everyones elses music that creativity excapes them.

That said does Ozzy really deserve other good song writters to help maintain his stake as god of metal, prince of darkness or what ever the fuck it is ? Ozzy has less actually value to music as a LesPaul, Stratocaster, Ibanez or Marshall Stack that was only along for the ride of the great players and writters useing them.