Ozzy Osbourne?



Acording to ticnet.se evergrey is supose to suport ozzy in globen? Is that true? But, i quess he will cancel now for the third time when he have broken his neck :(
If Ozzy has any brains left he'll never tour again. Which would imply that he will,but I think that he'll never again be in a condition to do so. Too much sex,drugs and rock 'n' roll. He broke a lot more than his neck anyway,if you're referring to the latest accident with the quad bike or whatever it's called. He just had leg surgery too and said some doctor put him on a 42-pills-a-day medication. 42! That's one fucking wreck. That's what constant drug (ab)use does to you.

Yeah this thread isn't really about Ozzy,but whatever. Would be cool if Evergrey was to open for his band,but I find that hard to believe as Ozzy can't even walk/talk without fainting/stuttering.
Must be nice having his wife telling the whole America on Howard Stern how Randy fucked her too.
I read an interview with Henrik in the paper this morning and it appears as Evergrey were planned to support Ozzy in Scandinavia. He was of course excited and very happy about it. But I guess that it won't happen now and to put a personal bitter twist to it; I'll never get to see Zakk Wylde.

It's sad, not only cause of the present situation but also the background. This is not the first time he cancels; First Zakk was ill and it was rescheduled and they added another gig here in Gothenburg, then Ozzy was on some medication and the tour was rescheduled again, this time to January - and now this...
Evergrey got the new yesterday that they were picked out of three bands to support Ozzy alone on the five gigs in Scandinavia.
Their joy about this wasn't too long though, since we this morning could read about Ozzy's accident in the papers. What the fuck was he doing on that bike???
Well, my guess is that either the gig will be postponed and then Evergrey probably won't get the spot as supporting band or he will cancel the European tour totally.
It feels like this was Evergrey's big shot at making a lot of new fans, but fate wanted things different... now we can only wait and see.
It's not fate,it's a stuttering,past-ridden alcoholist.

The Osbournes needs to be canceled and Ozzy needs to get his shit together...it's just tragicomical.
Saxiquine said:
Well, my guess is that either the gig will be postponed and then Evergrey probably won't get the spot as supporting band or he will cancel the European tour totally.
It feels like this was Evergrey's big shot at making a lot of new fans, but fate wanted things different... now we can only wait and see.
I feel the same way. I was overjoyed when I read the article in GP this morning and hoped that they might get their welldeserved break but then I heard about the accident... It seems that Evergrey's path is full of misfortunes.
Although it seems that this doctor who put him on the 42-pill-a-day medication is getting sued and is losing his rights as a doctor. He might've been all fucked with medication when he crashed,but it was stupid none the less.
So I don't think it was all Ozzy's fault,Demonspell...I don't think that Ozzy's really an asshole at all,but he's in such a bad shape though...

I hope Evergrey still gets the support-spot if Ozzy ever tours again around here. I could even imagine getting a ticket if Evergrey was supporting.
TheFourthHorseman said:
I hope Evergrey still gets the support-spot if Ozzy ever tours again around here. I could even imagine getting a ticket if Evergrey was supporting.

Let's hope that it will happen.
If there's gonna be a European Tour at all for Ozzy next year.
Well... I feel kind of sorry for him... No one should be getting that much pills at the same time... those doctors should be a little more careful with writing those prescriptions.