P2P legal in Italy

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002

So basically, it's legal to download whatever you want if you don't sell it on ebay. Right now, there is a fine if you're caught downloading copyrighted media, so what's the difference? Even with that threat, as long as you weren't selling it or continuously downloading 24 hours a day, they don't give a shit. They've got better things to do. However, I'm still confused because they're saying that this ruling doesn't override copyright laws, but I think that the author themselves would have to sue you, rather than having all your shit seized by the police. It sounds like it's out of the Carabinieri's hands, which is fine with me. If someone is going to actually make the trip all the way to Italy to take me to court over an mp3, then I'll put the kettle on.

Gotta love Italians. They can find a way around anything. This country kicks ass.

I think I'll boot up Soulseek right now and download a bunch of Metallica and then delete it, just because I can.
So... what is the difference with the past situation? :lol:
I think it's better, people will continue to buy good music cd's, and carabinieri will continue to search pedophiles over the internet, instead of taking some 14 yr old nerd to jail because he was sharing some mp3 :p
I agree, and that's the same reaction I got, which is stereotypical Italian politics: we pay shitloads of taxes for courts to give something a different name, but in the end the situation is the same. However, I think the Carabinieri won't be controlling as much our downloads...and honestly, I think they're more than happy to have that off their backs. They don't give a fuck if you're downloading music, as long as you're not some pedophile downloading kiddie porn.

Have you ever seen the people they've busted? We're talking people who have made like 50k euros off of ebay by selling downloaded movies and such. They raided this guy's house and he had literally thousands of dvds in multiple dvd burners, ten computers in his house all downloading and burning simultaneously. THAT'S understandable because he was an idiot.
Have you ever seen the people they've busted? We're talking people who have made like 50k euros off of ebay by selling downloaded movies and such. They raided this guy's house and he had literally thousands of dvds in multiple dvd burners, ten computers in his house all downloading and burning simultaneously. THAT'S understandable because he was an idiot.

ahahahaha :tickled:
I think I'll boot up Soulseek right now and download a bunch of Metallica and then delete it, just because I can.
I would actually video tape it (with the date and time being accurate) so if someone does sue you, you could just show them the tape.
Either, you will not have to pay anything and you will be giving a big "fuck you" to Metashitca.
Or, what would most likely happen, is you will get fined but still be giving a big "fuck you" to Metashitca.

And yes, they will know what happened since something that out of the ordinary is bound to attract attention.