Pagan Metal

hey Mocika

Great quote, I've never heard that! I like it though.

As to an update on Ante Lucem: currently we're working on playing a show in January, but I don't know where we stand at this point. We are also writing a couple new tunes, and a website. We already have the domain, but nothing there yet except just an artwork. I really wanna have content added during January, before things get too busy again.

Take care!

Hey Loud,

Thanks! the recording was a bit of a bust, as you can hear. The final quality of these mp3's, though, reflected tight budget rather than ability.

Never fear, in a couple months we will most likely be recording another promotional piece of maybe 3-4 songs, and this time the quality will be much better. Either that or we sign on to some label :D

Mocika, I am your biggest fan! :D

So here is the update for ya:
The band plans to record a 4-5 song EP/promo to continue the label search. This will include 1 or 2 tracks from "Before Dawn" and 3 new tracks. The new tracks have a more death (as opposed to black) metal feel. The last track will be a little different, as it will incorporate some sampling, electronic, drum machine combined with drummer, guitars, and the whole bit. Basically the band wants to experiment a little.

Currently the plan is to have this EP out by the early Summer.

yours truly,
Sfarog :headbang:

p.s. by the way, if someone would ever tell me that we would get over 700 downloads from our mp3 site, i wouldnt believe them! This is good stuff!

i gotta let this thread die...

anyways, there's a bunch of shows lining up, so far I have May 10th as a confirmed date at Sin-e in the village (Manhattan) details to follow... perhaps...
