PAGAN WAR MACHINE (feat. members of Dark Angel and Abattoir)


Oct 15, 2002
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Hey guys, awesome show in P-town and we had a hella good time in Vegas too!! Congrats Steve and Laurie!! I want to let you guys in on a band that's gonna be shit hot in 2003. Here it is:

PAGAN WAR MACHINE was born in the minds of two Los Angeles based Thrash Metal veterans, guitarist Jim Durkin (Dark Angel, Dreams of Damnation) and bassist Steve Gaines (Abattoir, Tactics, Bloodlust).

In September of 2002, they started recording some music together as a side project. Just a few weeks later, four songs were completed and distributed in the underground circles as their first demo. The response was so positive that they decided to convert the project into a full band, in order to perform the songs live. A Brazilian guitarist called Marcelo Lima (from the band Mastaba) and drummer Al Mendez (Dreams of Damnation) were recruited for the task.

In November, the band was “officially” announced at radio station show “The Vault”, during an interview with Durkin and Gaines. PAGAN WAR MACHINE is currently rehearsing for future live appearances.

Steve Gaines - bass, vocals
Jim Durkin - guitar
Marcelo Lima - guitar
Al Mendez - drums

email for demo information!!

The demo kicks serious ass, and is worth getting!! Everyone that's heard it is AMAZED, so drops the guys a line.....
no, they aren't posted on line yet. They are working on getting the web site together, then there will be some MP3s. They only got 4 songs right now, but they all shred