Pagan's Mind - God's Equation

Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN
Hey Gang,

I also got the new Pagan's Mind cd for Christmas too. Wow, where to start?? I remember being at ProgPower when Pagan's Mind was the opener the 2nd night. My brother was with me for that PP and he asked me who they were and I said i had never heard of them. i am one of those people who watch every band whether I know of them or not. Even if i don't like them on disc, i sit and watch. Some live performances totally slay and make me a fan. i remember telling my brother that they would probably be just okay since they were the opener. they came on and BAM, WOW, where the hell did these guys come from? They were one of the highlights for me at that particular PP. I immediately went out and bought their cd's. Infinity Divine - was just okay in my book. Celestial Entrance - CLASSIC!!!

Since then I have become a huge fan. I loved EM as well.

After seeing them this year at PP ( They were the highlight and ran away with the show), i could not wait to get the new cd.

God's Equation - These guys keep getting better and better. Let me first say that Jorn is my favorite guitarist. Love his tone, and his style. he plays with class and emotion but he can also amaze you with what he can do. As you can expect on this new cd, production is awesome. Everything is crystal clear. The guitar work is amazing on this cd. Jorn is the man. Drumming is excellent. Bass guitar is killer and the keys are all over the place. One thing that sticks out for me on this one. Seems that Nils has matured even more. to me, he seems to sing clearer on this cd. Not to say he did not before but he just seems to have more control on this one. This is my favorite vocal performance by him. Every PM mind cd is a little different from the other and this one is no exception. It is still PM but this time, to me, they have made the music a little more simplistic and added some new touches here and there. To me it sounds fresh and exciting. Plenty of Melody and the of course some killer guitar solos. Great CD!!

Another MUST HAVE!!!! These guys can do no wrong in my book.

Glenn, Bring em back as many times as you like. These guys are an amazing band and are incredible live. I could watch Jorn play all night. He is amazing. Thank you again for introducing me to another band that has become one of if not my favorite band. YOU ROCK!!!!

Board's Help - I love Jorn's guitar playing. I love his PM stuff and love him on the Jorn Lande material. I know he is in a band called Beautiful Creatures. Is his guitar work the same on those CD's? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

LOL Hes not in Beautiful Creatures, that is a totally different band. Hes in BEAUTIFUL SIN. Viggo's work is stellar on everything he plays on.
I totally agree with all the Jorn Viggo comments n praise. I dig him because he's not your typical Ibanez playing 3000 notes per minute, sweep arpeggio malmsteen style shredder that seems to infect so many prog and power bands. I love the more rock element he brings in (mind you he can tear it up with the best of em) as well as that insane tone.

As far as Jorn Lande and Beautiful Sin goes-the playing is still there and impressive, but in my opinion the songs arent up to the standard of Pagans and therefore I dont listen to them alot. Worth having tho :)
Best album of 2007. Not a big fan of their earlier albums but this thing just blew me away, made me a instant fan :rock:! And i gotta say jorn Viggo is one talented motherfucker, whether he is writing/playing or producing. Can't wait to hear him wail on the new JORN album LONELY ARE THE BRAVE :rock:.

P.S The Beautiful Sin album is amazing as well and has the unbelievable vocals of Magili Luyten whom i never really appreciated until i heard her on the new AYREON-01011001, man she is AMAZING !!!!!
"EVOLUUUUTION EXCEED..." (my favorite song). This is my favorite CD of theirs so far...except for that damn "Hello Spaceboy." I hate that song. But that's a minor blemish on a beautiful CD.

I *LOVE* their version of Hallo Spaceboy! Oh, well... I guess an album that's just 91% good is still good enough, right? :lol: