Pain of Salvation "Be"


Feb 23, 2005
I just got this cd today, and once again like angra never hearing them before, I had no idea what to expect. God damn is this cd weird. This cd is definitely progressive. I really enjoyed the cd, but i didnt like so many voice samples I would have liked more music. Are the rest of PoS's cds like this one or is just one of those cds that is just like experimental? I would not give it as much praise as I have heard about it.


I think this is a great musical work that will last a long time. It's truly amazing.

And I just ordered 'The Perfect Element' and 'Remedy Lane' from The End Records.
I wouldnt say that I am trying to get into them, I was just wondering if their other cds sound like Be because Be is a great record their just needs to be more music. The tracks with vocals and music are truely awesome it is just those filler tracks I didnt really care for.


Just got done listening to it in my car. I just LOVE PoS. I will admit that this one, to me, is different, but i still LOVE it and think it's soooo much fun to listen to!

edit: I'll also say that most of the time I fast forward through the speaking parts in the songs. Once you hear them and get the me, that's all I need from that. :D
That is exactly what I am going to do with the cd because I love the music, but all the speaking is just oo much for me. I also might be that I have tried to fully understand the concept of the cd yet.
I read the explanation, I guess I should try reading it again because I didnt really understand what he was trying to say there.


I absolutely love "Be." Definitely my favorite Pain of Salvation album. The music is exquisite as is the concept. And it's very difficult for me to just skip through certain parts such as vocal tracks. One of the few cds that I actually want to listen to all the way through.
Yes, all of PoS' other CDs are more song-oriented. The Perfect Element, One Hour By the Concrete Lake, Entropia and Remedy Lane should please you if you liked the musical components of Be.

I tend to prefer the first three CDs since that's what I 'grew into them with.' Back in 1999, the only CD I was able to get for a long time was One Hour (at ProgPower Europe), as they'd sold out of Entropia.

Later I managed to find it, and it kicked much ass, and The Perfect Element did, too -- that was the "current" CD when they played their now-legendary show at ProgPower USA 1.0 in Chicago, and the memories from that experience (and the CDs that contributed to it) will be with me always.
Stoink said:
I wouldnt say that I am trying to get into them, I was just wondering if their other cds sound like Be because Be is a great record their just needs to be more music. The tracks with vocals and music are truely awesome it is just those filler tracks I didnt really care for.



Yes, that is exactly what you will get on previous albums. Unreal degree of beautiful music. They are unbelievable... I would go most recent release and work your way back. Once you pick up Remedy Lane then you will wantto get Perfect Element ......
Thanks for advice and input on the cds. I was jamming to tracks 5 and 7 today on the way to school. I will try to pick up the other releases, I try to not get a bunch of cds by one band because there so many bands that I am totally lacking.


Hell, it took me a couple of years to really "get" and appreciate TPE; I've only had BE a few months--I know better than to think I understand it, explanation or no. BE, I always feel like I'm not listening to it so much as I'm really having to process it and think about it. There are parts I like and parts I don't (including some of the speaking parts), but overall it seems less like a CD of music to me than it does a... "work" I guess.

Personally, Remedy Lane is my favorite PoS disc. I don't think BE is much like their other stuff.

That's what I usually do. But this order I got two Devin Townsend's (three if you count SYL), and two Pain Of Salvation's.
"Be" is nothing like their previous albums... and in my opinion, it is a massive failure. I am a huge fan of their old work, but I find BE to be rather listless and unfocused.
I was disappointed with Be, IMHO the concept gets in the way of the music. I don't buy CD's to be enlightened by pretentious rock stars who want to share their "intellectual" theories, I buy CD's to listen to music. I will say that once I created a custom playlist that skips the tracks I don't like, the CD is a bit better to listen to. There are a couple of really good songs on there, but the album as a whole can't compare to their previous works IMHO.
But why can a CD not be made the same way as a novel or film? It's art just the same. "Be" conveys a story, and in my opinion conveys it well. Every piece of music fits perfectly with the emotions and atmosphere during that section of the concept. To me, it seems like their most focused work. Every second sounds thought out and contemplated, and personally, I wouldn't change a thing. But please, don't trust my opinion, I'm a little weird. :D
It's a great CONCEPTUAL recording, unlike their previous records. It has many of the same elements, but on this guy they went further into the concept. Their 4 (or actually 5 if you include 12:5) all were concept albums, but not as this was.

You could pickup any of their other albums and get a lot of the stuff you pointed out you liked about BE, on most if not every song.

Also, the live BE DVD +CD is coming out next month. A few topics have discussed it, not sure if it was on here..but on and the Remedy Lane Forum did. Screen shots, spoiler info, etc..if anyones is curious.

Soundscape said:
It's a great CONCEPTUAL recording, unlike their previous records. It has many of the same elements, but on this guy they went further into the concept. Their 4 (or actually 5 if you include 12:5) all were concept albums, but not as this was.

You could pickup any of their other albums and get a lot of the stuff you pointed out you liked about BE, on most if not every song.

Also, the live BE DVD +CD is coming out next month. A few topics have discussed it, not sure if it was on here..but on and the Remedy Lane Forum did. Screen shots, spoiler info, etc..if anyones is curious.


I am
Be is great. but its not typical PoS. or maybe it is. typically progressive and out-there.

Their other albums are more straightforward, but maintaining complexity and interesting ideas. there's a lot less narration in their other albums. I strongly suggest "Remedy Lane", and for an acoustic experience: "12:5" is awesome.