Pain of Salvation - Scarsick...thoughts?

Chris Lotesto

Uncle Fester
Aug 6, 2004
I've been a huge PoS fan since probably 1998 when our
new Powermad buddies (Todd S and Larry D in particular)
turned the band on to these guys. The last few albums
have been pretty good but something has been missing, not
quite sure what, but whatever the case is, it's back and
kicking ass!!

I don't really give a shit about the political views or any of the
discussion regarding the lyrics, nor am I going to comment
on them but the music, the guitars, the passion, the emotion,
everything that made me fall in love with this band is back on
this album and I'm really digging it! And, this is only the first
time through....:headbang:

Anyone else check this out yet?
the music, the guitars, the passion, the emotion,
everything that made me fall in love with this band is back on
this album and I'm really digging it!

I'm glad to hear that. I'll be ordering it in the next couple of weeks. Remedy Lane is still my favorite PoS disc, but that's like saying the $50 is my favorite denomination of money - it's ALL good. I'm looking forward to a return to form after Be, which is my least favorite of the bunch.

The only PoS I ever had was Remedy Lane.
Trace of Blood might be the most emotional song I have ever heard in my life.
I have heard that most that followed was bland, so I never bothered keeping up with them.

It seems that there is a lot of hype around the new album.
The only PoS I ever had was Remedy Lane.
Trace of Blood might be the most emotional song I have ever heard in my life.
I have heard that most that followed was bland, so I never bothered keeping up with them.

It seems that there is a lot of hype around the new album.

Wow dude! If you thought that anything on Remedy Lane was emotional, you NEED to get One Hour By the Concrete Lake & The Perfect Element!!! Don't wait, do it now!! Seriously, right now, tonight! :p

I liked them a lot, but when they played ProgPower I, and played some of those songs off those 2 albums, I was fuckin blown away...3-part harmonies done perfectly live & the emotion hit you like a brick!! Easily one of the best shows I've ever seen in my whole life...which is why I really don't want to see them live again...they'll never live up to that...I know it! ;)
I have One Hour by the Concrete Lake, and I really don't like that album except for like one and a half songs. I think it's pretty boring and not very appealing. I was meaning to check out some other songs from other albums but haven't gotten around to it.
I have One Hour by the Concrete Lake, and I really don't like that album except for like one and a half songs. I think it's pretty boring and not very appealing. I was meaning to check out some other songs from other albums but haven't gotten around to it.

Vito, that was post #666 for you.
Nope it's not a OHBtCL, Entropia, or Remedy Lane. It's just not very good. Seems as though Daniel decided to be controversial instead of focusing on making good music. It's better than BE, but that's not saying much. l was hoping for much better.
I have heard that most that followed was bland, so I never bothered keeping up with them.

The only things that followed were 12:5 - an "unplugged" sort of album that had acoustic instrumental versions of existing songs, and Be - which was more experimental.

OHBTCCL does have a really good subject matter, and the progression of songs and story is more direct than on Remedy Lane, which jumps all over the place story-wise. But I'm with you that RL is one of the most emotional albums I've ever heard. Trace of Blood, Rope Ends, Second Love - those songs still give me chills each time I hear them. We're both sissies and need a dose of Slayer, stat!

I think with all this talk of OHBTCCL and Inconvenient Truth, Rob's about to go on an environmental crusade! Maybe he'll insist on recycleable beer cups at Powerfest! That would actually be really cool.

I have One Hour by the Concrete Lake, and I really don't like that album except for like one and a half songs. I think it's pretty boring and not very appealing. I was meaning to check out some other songs from other albums but haven't gotten around to it.

Well, coming from someone who worships Rhapsody, I'm not surprised. :lol: :lol:

You're still very young...give it a few years, and maybe you'll like them better then...and finally grow out of liking Rhapsody cheese. :p
Well, coming from someone who worships Rhapsody, I'm not surprised. :lol: :lol:

You're still very young...give it a few years, and maybe you'll like them better then...and finally grow out of liking Rhapsody cheese. :p

Damn!! We need to get this fest booked quick!!!!!!!
You becoming a grumpy old man :lol:
We're both sissies and need a dose of Slayer, stat!'s a dose of a comedic, yet respectful way:

I think with all this talk of OHBTCCL and Inconvenient Truth, Rob's about to go on an environmental crusade! Maybe he'll insist on recycleable beer cups at Powerfest! That would actually be really cool.


LOL...I'm just one man...but I'd love to be able to do something like that at the fest. Not my call though...and I certainly won't be pushing that...yet. ;)
I read in another forum today that Scarsick may very well be TPE pt II in that it could be/is the story from the male's point of view... not sure if this is concrete, but if it is, it'd be a reason for me to grab a copy sooner so I can pour over the lyrics and see where things might link up between the two...
Actually, Daniel has already CONFIRMED that this is TPE part 2. There's a video interview that I'm trying to find where he actually states that. This is TPE part 2. And very well done if you ask me. =)
Just read this:

When you get your hard copy, open up the CD case and then look on the inside of the spine folds. It says 'the perfect element, part II - "he" ' on the inside of both spines. Same place where Spiral Architect put "True Norwegian
Technical Metal." In the booklet it says "Part II" on one of the pages.

Dammit, now I have to order sooner than I'd thought I might...