Pain of Salvation sucks........


I take pity on your holes
Mar 11, 2002
Urine Garden
Visit site
Just kidding,

I was listening to all their cds last night and think they are one of the best bands out there right now.

I realize to some, they may be hard to get into, but they have some great songs that are filled with alot of emotion.

Thier latest cd 'Remedy Lane' is just fantastic.

Dream Theater hasn't put out a good album in ages....
6DOIT is a giant turd of boring wankery, bad ripp offs and stupid lyrics.

Pain of Salvation and Symphony X are the reigning kings of progressive metal.
they are definately progressive.....way to much chops and intense playing to be labeled power.....

they are just catchier and more accessable melodically than most prog bands which is a huge advantage IMO.