paint vs. Photoshop


Aug 3, 2008
North Carolina
i've goten a bit fed up with all of the photoshoped album covers out there. I know it's fairly cheep and easy, but at the end of the day i'd want mine to be painted. look at the greats: peace sells, all of the early iron maidens, angel witch, scream bloody gore, the legacy, walls of jericho, 'them', the first metallicas, a load of the queens. i move that we move to a paint based market. Rebuttal?
Hes done the artwork for In the Lungs of Hell

In The Lungs of Hell/Origional ETG :p

I dont mind Photoshopped stuff because it can look amazing! But painted can also be great obviously. the first two Death albums have amazing covers. I love some photoshopped stuff though, my bands album cover is looking amazing. We are just waiting on a logo to put on the cover.


Pretty cool huh? Done my Lich King. Hes amazing.
Idk, Peter hasn't failed yet, though he's only dony one. Regardless, he's got a really badass painting in his room, so when we record again we might throw that thing up there.
haha indeed! In fact I have that original painting on Bloodbrawl's MySpace page. Shits awesome :D

Fucking love the CC artwork though - a pissed up thrashing monkey in space. Loving the Exodus reference on the monitors too :D
Yeh man.

Cant wait to get that thing out. Ill hit you up with a PM in a week or so. Its basically the whole Album demoed up. :kickass:

We still waiting on the Bloodbrawl one? :p
Soudns good to me, send that shit :D

Sadly yes, the Bloodbrawl EP is written (except a few solos and about 80% of lyrics) but we just don't have the money to record it at the moment. And I'm also taking care of the Devil's Legion stuff too so its just a matter of (mre) patience haha. I think everyone'll like it though, it sounds very german so far!
Well I'm meeting Nige an the lads at Damnation tomorrow and then Blood Tsunami in London next week to discuss the possibility of getting it released through Candlelight in some form. If that falls through then people can fuck off if they want CDs pressed! I'm struggling to live at the moment haha!!
I'll be honest with you guys, the title of the thread is decieving, I thought this was gonna be a debate between microsoft paint and photoshop. Shows how much of a nerd I am....
Painted covers are way cooler, they have more of an old school feel to them.
I'll be honest with you guys, the title of the thread is decieving, I thought this was gonna be a debate between microsoft paint and photoshop. Shows how much of a nerd I am....
Painted covers are way cooler, they have more of an old school feel to them.
yeah, i realized that right after i posted it